Example sentences of "[art] child [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 But the LEA refused to offer the applicant 's mother a grant for the child to be educated at that school .
2 Parental responsibility appears here in the form of a duty to ensure that the child is examined ; there is an offence on failing without reasonable cause to comply with requirements of a notice requiting the child to be examined at a stipulated place and time .
3 In Gillick terms , the ability to make an informed request assumes the child to be old enough to make at least that decision for himself .
4 The child 's parents took the view that surgery would be wrong , and wanted the child to be allowed to die .
5 We suggest that the act of baptizing the child is viewed with superstition as much as religious belief ; that it is ‘ better ’ for the child to be baptized in case anything happens to it .
6 By changing the experimental conditions , social psychologists are not really exposing the instability of the child 's fear but are causing the child to be afraid in different ways .
7 The Act continues : ‘ Where a children 's hearing are satisfied in a case concerned with an offence mentioned in the Criminal Procedure ( Scotland ) Act of 1975 , that the attendance of a child is not necessary for the just hearing of that case , or in any case where they are satisfied that it would be detrimental to the interest of the child to be present at the hearing of his case , the case in whole or in part , may be considered in the absence of the child . ’
8 The parents decided it was better for the child to be taken away . ’
9 as if my mother was the child to be protected !
10 Language is first learned as a means of relating to other people where those others provide social and psychological supports which enable the child to be an effective communicator .
11 In cases where the standardisation sample is drawn from a different population from that of the child being tested ( for example , the sample is North American children and the child to be tested is British ; the sample comprises children from a different age group from that of the child being tested ) , it is inadvisable to make judgements based on comparisons with the standardisation data .
12 If the parent finds difficulty in not reacting to the child while in ‘ time out ’ on the chair , it may be better for the child to be placed in a safe separate room for the equivalent time .
13 diverting attention from his hopelessness , while helping the group to support him vis-a-vis the child to be helped — not by recounting their own success stories but by recognising what support potential he might already have , buried as it was but ready to be drawn out by support from others .
14 Can the family help or allow the child to develop a black personality without feeling that a wedge is being driven between the family and the child ; does the family expect the child to be a white person in a black skin ?
15 I telephoned Burakovsky , who ordered the child to be brought in , examined her , but said there was nothing they could do because , unfortunately , they did not have the right kind of specialists .
16 I 'm never never one for for making work but on an a on although this is n't going to be called an annual report for most children it will be an annual event and I do feel quite strongly that for the child to be able to have the opportunity
17 ( 4 ) If a court determines that any such criteria are satisfied , it shall make an order authorising the child to be kept in secure accommodation and specifying the maximum period for which he may be so kept .
18 Under section 25(5) of the Act of 1989 I will make an interim order permitting the child to be kept in secure accommodation for three weeks from today .
19 In those circumstances , he had the jurisdiction under section 11(7) to require the child to be returned , to direct the return of the child to the former matrimonial home and to the interim care of the father , and to direct that the three little girls should remain with their father pending an inter partes hearing of the application for a residence order .
20 The judge was told that the father had given undertakings ( which the judge recited in the course of his judgment ) that , if the court ordered the child to be returned to Canada , he would not attempt to remove him from the care of the mother without an order of the Canadian court ; that he would not support or initiate any contempt of court or criminal proceedings arising from the mother 's removal of the child , and would co-operate in having an early hearing of the proceedings in Ontario .
21 In 1938 the Population Statistics Act required the age of the mother at the birth of the child to be recorded , and these new data revealed that one-seventh of all children born between 1938 and 1939 were premaritally conceived .
22 For a child who was reliant upon charity it was difficult to escape the determining rules which governed the public understanding of ‘ training up the child to be the man ( for woman ) ’ .
23 In sexual abuse cases where leave is sought for the child to be interviewed by an expert the court may stipulate that all interviews be recorded on video tape as advocated by Douglas Brown J in Rochdale Borough Council v B W , A K and others ( 1991 ) cited above , a wardship case involving allegations of ritual abuse .
24 A local authority may not cause the child to be brought up in any religious persuasion other than the one in which he would have been brought up if the order had not been made ( s33(6) ( a ) ) .
25 A court can include a requirement for the child to be medically or psychiatrically examined on one occasion or from time to time as directed by the supervisor ( para 4(2) ) .
26 ‘ I have to pee , ’ said Lucy , all at once a child to be coaxed into the treat she wants .
27 There is no explicit mention of a child to be born to him and Sarah , and there will be none for another three chapters ( not until 15.4 ) .
28 Although the European Court of Human Rights had declared that it would be a breach of the European Convention on Human Rights for a child to be given corporal punishment against the philosophical or religious convictions of his/her parent , it was felt that the ruling did not revoke the teacher 's independent authority to administer punishment .
29 ‘ It can never be satisfactory for a child to be educated in a school in which the standard of work is above his powers , or the curriculum not suited to his particular aptitudes . ’
30 to waiting like a child to be kissed .
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