Example sentences of "[art] new member of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In some Homes it 's quite common that the new member of staff 's quite isolated , isolated from the care staff group , not so much from senior staff .
2 A group of pupils studying science asked me about the new member of staff .
3 If your mind is on the new member of the family you 're probably less likely to concentrate on your own aches and pains , regardless of whether they are physical or psychological .
4 Although it may at first feel as though you will always be the new member of staff , or that you will never stop asking questions , most returners express appreciation and gratitude for the support and practical help offered by colleagues , and for the warm welcome extended to them on their return .
5 The new member of the EST is Chris Robertson , from the Engineering Department .
6 It 's got training need and it 's got virtually everything down there that the new member of staff joining the company would need to know .
7 Leaving aside those equity partners who , exceptionally , are never obliged to put cash into the firm , as mentioned in Chapter 4 , the choice lies between : ( 1 ) seeking capital contributions when the new partner joins the firm , he borrowing the amount required as necessary ; or ( 2 ) allowing the new member of the firm to buy his way in over a period out of his profit share , appropriate restrictions on his drawings being imposed as " security " for the agreed payments .
8 Sir Robin Day is the new member of the Lobby team .
9 This young customer at South Woodford was fascinated by the new member of staff .
10 In the late forties and the early fifties , every new member of the Wine and Food Society received , together with a copy of the current number of the Society 's quarterly magazine and a membership card , a pamphlet entitled Pottery , or Home Made Potted Foods , Meat and Fish Pastes , Savoury Butters and Others .
11 When the opportunity arises to appointment a new member of staff a considerable amount of attention needs to be given to attract the right person .
12 ‘ I 'd like a new member of staff to know they are there to help people who ca n't help themselves and they also must have one hell of a lot of patience !
13 This is how she welcomes a new member of staff .
14 Managers have realised that the more information and training a new member of staff is given when they start work , the more confident they feel and the better they operate .
15 A good induction pack includes all the information a new member of staff needs and examples of any forms they may have to fill in , such as care plans for residents .
16 Virtually unchanged since Norman times , the beating of the bounds takes place each time a new member of the family inherits the estate .
17 I AM a new member of Amnesty International , and read with interest the letters of criticism ( AMNESTY June/July ) about your appeal envelope — I 'm glad that you had the courage to print such obviously justified disapproval .
18 ‘ Well , we have a new member of our family .
19 On the other hand no manager willingly accepts a new member of staff without the use of a selection interview , no doctor will express a confident diagnosis without an interview with the patient , and no counsellor could function without meeting his clients face to face .
20 I did , however , recently visit a long-established and normally experienced retailer who had taken on a new member of staff who filled a big sales tank with a mixture of large Heteractis and Stoichactis anemone species .
21 The main reason for this is to reduce or eliminate the risk that people will be affected by the presence of a new member of their social group .
22 As a new member of the organization I will have to reconcile the expectations of others , including the systems imposed on me , with my own theories and understanding of how the world works .
23 I am a new member of the RNLI , only joining in 1990 spurred into action by visiting the NE coast and seeing one or two of its lifeboats … £6 annual membership is very good value and could be increased , but £20 would possibly see a decline in numbers .
24 As a new member of Alec 's staff in 1957 , I was grateful to Basil and his art colleagues for welcoming me and inviting , me to take part in their weekend courses at Woolley on many occasions .
25 Or of the mother who promotes cross-cousin marriage so that a new member of her own lineage can be brought into her adopted one , so that she will be less of an outsider in the latter .
26 First measure is a new member of the Lyndhurst West Team in Scottish Victor .
27 A new member of the Executive Committee as Wexford Area Secretary , David has been Wexford District Secretary since 1987 and a branch representative since 1977 .
28 I much regret that such a new Member of Parliament should have picked up the churlish habits of other Labour Members .
29 Is it in order that a new Member of Parliament who has not yet made his maiden speech should be attacked in this way by the hon. Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) ?
30 I must tell the hon. Gentleman that , as a new Member of Parliament , he should be more concerned with the possibility of improving the delivery of health care to his constituents .
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