Example sentences of "[art] one [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 Ian went off and came back with a box the same size as the ones that had been used for the train .
2 Of course , the states with good measurements tend to be the ones that had suddenly realised they might run out of capacity , and taken action to avoid that .
3 And then they sent back for the you know the , the ones that had been there before .
4 His next kiss was very different from the ones that had gone before — swift , fierce and possessive , as if he were claiming back something that had always belonged to him .
5 ‘ The trees would stay , ’ she announced , knowing she was probably talking her way out of a job , ‘ almost all of them , and the ones that had to be taken down would be replaced with native specimens .
6 D did you decide er either formally or informally , to take a particular attitude towards the ones that had gone back ?
7 She looked back over that stormy summer and was surprised to see each scene , even the ones that had seemed rather painful at the time , shining with an almost holy silver light .
8 and the ones that had been cast out would be without that thing , so that 's why it 's gone in relation to that it 's because those that did n't have the faith that the army officer had would be cast out as the sons , of the sons of the kingdom , that 's why he mentioned it in likeness
9 She is fiercely proud of the achievements of the cast and obviously misses the ones that have left — particularly Kylie and Jason .
10 ‘ And the ones that have the money are the worst payers . ’
11 Secondly , they have tried to arrange more and more of their long-term or permanent exhibitions ( not just the ones that have transitory mass appeal ) in ways that give visitors the opportunity to learn , rather than merely to ‘ gawp ’ .
12 The ones that have provide the basis for antibiotics , the Pill , dental cement , tranquillisers , heart and ulcer drugs .
13 Select the ones that have held bottles , because they will be stapled at the bottom and are much stronger .
14 Before the new names can go in the pot , the ones that have remained in it for the two years have to come out so , after a brief introduction by the chairman of the trustees and the vicar , the three keyholders leave the room to go next door to the church where the chest is kept .
15 Not only does municipal rubbish seem to be growing more slowly than many people imagine ; the components which appear to be increasing are not the ones that have attracted most attention .
16 Look at the hand-in dates and do the ones that have to be handed in first , not the ones you feel are most interesting .
17 There is a problem about investigating the first of these hypotheses in that the dreams that are remembered are presumably the ones that have more logical structure .
18 Erm so if you just remember try and remember the ones that have got a K.
19 So that 's quite a big one so we do n't do n't bother about any of these the ones that have got tenths or decimals in we 'll have a look at that .
20 Erm where whether they 're any different from the ones that have gone before .
21 But does n't does n't it often work out though that the people who erm need more training , often are the ones that have resisted going on training in the past .
22 ‘ He does n't consider his captions a sacrosanct collection of frozen moments in time , ’ Ms Calder adds , ‘ and anyway only really changes the ones that have a dated feel about them .
23 The slowest-evolving molecules , like histones , turn out to be the ones that have been most subject to natural selection .
24 The ones that have done well in publishing terms quite rightly I think are those who have pl been plainly written by the person concerned , above all Dennis Healey and also Roy Jenkins .
25 May I add to those representations the ones that have been made to me locally by committees responsible for organising the summer common riding festivals in the central Borders and Scotland ?
26 the ones that have been asked for .
27 Do you want a fire retardant one or just in interestingly enough , the ones that have got price offers on them are n't fire retardant .
28 It 's just that some of these of course , the ones that have got like a square textured ,
29 ‘ Oh , it 's the ones that have a sharp look to them that you 've got to watch out for .
30 The ones that have got their , Shirley and Terry that have got their house on the market ?
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