Example sentences of "[art] village there is " in BNC.

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1 Beyond the village there is one steep ascent on to Stockham 's Hill before the leisurely drop on a green track down into Beer .
2 Just before a road turns off to the left into the village there is a terrace , the spot where Sir Winston Churchill did his paintings of the village .
3 From the village there is a three mile causeway down to the water 's edge where there are reed-beds .
4 This tells us nothing about the degree of harmony in the village — everyone might be at each other 's throats — but it does indicate that within the village there is a reasonably close-knit social pattern , rather than a disparate group of individuals who happen , coincidentally , to live in the same locality .
5 Just to the north of the village there is a bridge over the Emme that is a particularly interesting example of the characteristic rural Swiss timber-built covered bridge .
6 To the north and east of the village there is extensive meadowland along the river Yeo , with no earthworks except drainage ditches .
7 Just short of the village there is one point where the track is lost and the land has reverted to its original contours .
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