Example sentences of "[art] answer [be] given " in BNC.

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1 Each unit is written in a readable and detailed style , and every chapter ends with a ‘ chapter challenge ’ , which includes key points covering important concepts in the chapter and multiple-choice questions , for which the answers are given at the back of the book .
2 The answers are given on page 100 , but to start you off : how many management tiers does this organisation have ? )
3 ( The answers are given at the end of the chapter . )
4 To the charge that the enormous number of local agreements can be cited as evidence of national agreements acting as little more than guidelines , the answer is given that local agreements acted as a form of pace-setting for subsequent national agreements , and that this transfer mechanism can be incorporated into wage-determination models [ Prest and Coppock , 1978 ] .
5 The answer is given in the following case .
6 The answer is given in the flow-of-funds equation , which consists of four major items ( or ‘ counterparts ’ as they are known ) .
7 The answer was given with conviction .
8 The answer was given with perfect sincerity .
9 The answer was given by the Court of Appeal in the " Last Exit to Brooklyn " case .
10 If no answer is given or if the question is not encouraged ( or still worse , not allowed ) , then the searcher may become a believer , but he will be constantly at the mercy of the potential doubt that his faith is only make-believe .
11 Unless an answer is given to the question , the report is useless .
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