Example sentences of "[art] moment of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet , the right of control can be transferred to the consignee up until the moment of receipt of the goods by the carrier .
2 At the moment of firing he closed his eyes tight , but he never heard the crack of the Winchester discharging because it was drowned in the roar of Jacques Devraux 's Mauser .
3 Such investors tended to come in when stocks were exchanged rather than present themselves at the moment of initiation .
4 Although it is undoubtedly true that Sartre et alia achieved a moral victory in 1947 by highlighting the purely imaginary and hence illusory nature of the accusations made against Nizan , and although Sartre 's own final fictional account of Nizan , narrated emotionally in " Drole d'amitie " , is a powerful antidote to the negative and hostile account in Aragon 's Les Communistes , nonetheless , from the moment of his death in 1940 until the moment of republication of Aden Arabic " in 1960 , Nizan remained an unwanted communist renegade .
5 lost at the moment of happening .
6 What could the nearness of victory mean to Berenice , after five acts , and at the moment of parting ?
7 And then it was over , and they were coming out into the grey , windy day , the mothers trying not to look at the white-capped sea beyond the point , the boys suddenly gruff and silent now that the moment of parting was come .
8 Through the layers of their clothing she could feel Penry 's heart beating steadily against her back , and dreaded the moment of parting which would come all too soon when they reached journey 's end in Chastlecombe .
9 The moment of doubt , if there had been one , had gone .
10 Seen in this way , the moment of graduation is just an arbitrary point in the formation of the individual 's consciousness .
11 Preceded , as I said , by the moment of horror .
12 She relived the agony of trying to control the boat , the moment of horror when the engine cut out , the desperate struggle to keep the dinghy from capsizing , and the ultimate horror as a giant wave swept her into the sea .
13 It was just that at the moment of climax when the escape had to be attempted or abandoned , it became if attempted something quite different from what it had been in the planning .
14 At the moment of climax , you experience a momentary cessation of consciousness — la petite mort .
15 When you next indulge in self-stimulation , instead of summoning up the prone and panting form of some nymph of your fervid fancy , at the moment of climax I want you to contemplate your own dappled visage .
16 At the moment of climax she quite often addressed him as Derek .
17 To begin with , however , the moment of opportunity that was presented in Vietnam by France 's defeat in 1940 was taken by the Japanese ; and although Ho might conceivably and eventually have been right in his optimistic assertion that ‘ if the entire people were united and single minded they would certainly be able to smash the picked French and Japanese armies ’ , the vicissitudes of war and politics would ensure that , for a while at least , they would not be required for such a formidable task .
18 As Levy ( 1979 : 193 ) remarks , ‘ the speaker by making reference may not simply identify but may construct the object by selecting from a field of relations those properties that are relevant at the moment of utterance ’ .
19 It is important to distinguish the moment of utterance ( or inscription ) or coding time ( or CT ) from the moment of reception or receiving time ( or RT ) .
20 Speakers also have the option of anchoring deictic expressions to a different centre of orientation by means of what is known as deictic projection ( Levinson 1983:64 ) : The anchorage point for the deictic verb " come " , which , in unmarked cases , indicates movement towards the speaker 's location at the moment of utterance , is shifted to the speaker 's future home base in 5 , and to the addressee 's position at a specific future moment in time in 6 ( cf.
21 Section 3 on this the moment of appropriation .
22 The accused , the finder , was not guilty of theft because at the moment of appropriation the coins were not property belonging to another .
23 ‘ Could you drop me off here ? ’ she asked quickly , blinking away the moment of self-analysis .
24 the goblet would burst at the moment of contact .
25 For example , holding the breath during the execution of a move and then exhaling sharply at the moment of contact can concentrate power and increase speed .
26 For me , the moment of realisation that something more must be done to identify the aggressor and to hold him to account came last week , when I was invited to open an exhibition of photographs at the building centre in Store street , London , of some of the Croatian buildings destroyed over the past few months .
27 And that is the moment of weakness in a negotiation .
28 The moment of weakness was gone , her voice harsh once more .
29 For he has realized something else , in the moment of inspiration between standing up and beginning to speak : that the aesthetic effect of honesty depends upon restraint in its application .
30 After all , this was the moment of severance .
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