Example sentences of "[art] sense of the " in BNC.

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1 What we find in Guerrillas is a narrative of unfailing fascination which delivers to the senses of the reader a country very like the countries he knows in the real world : equally , his experience of that country is very like his experience of Naipaul 's India , in being rarely subdued by an awareness of the writer 's more deliberate meanings .
2 Their total lack of concern for any spiritual growth , other than what pleases the senses of the body , exhibits what medieval writers described as Animal Man .
3 We are not just presenting a series of artistic achievements , but seeking to make every possible connection between the works themselves , the space in which they are exhibited , and the senses of the viewer .
4 For the robot to understand an English command , it must compute the semantics of the input text , i.e. determine the senses of the expression and refer these senses to objects in the environment , before the intended action can be taken .
5 More modern views of this kind have dispensed with the metaphysical baggage of a pure Platonic universe of knowledge way above the senses of the uneducated , but the idea that reason can bring a new level of understanding still persists .
6 Add to them the cohorts of civil servants patiently drafting and redrafting sackfuls of international Green verbiage , and whole planeloads of whingeing journalists and television crews , and the whole shebang becomes so big as to overwhelm the senses of the vast majority of the aboriginal citizens of Planet Earth .
7 Especially note that the senses in which the signal e.m.f.s act are related to the senses of the input and output signal currents .
8 This lucid and candid prose , strong in the detail of a particular time and place , often ignores , and can on occasion seem to depart from , the sense of the literature it embodies .
9 They saw the sense of the plan and agreed to find refuges for the boys in the thick forest between Bolfracks and Kenmore .
10 Falling as decadent decline , degeneration , and as the sense of the result of Original Sin is ubiquitous .
11 In the mornings he worked in the kitchen while his aunt baked or cooked or sewed ; here in the evenings he absorbed the sense of the impact of new industries on an older more settled way of life which , much later , found its way into the stories and sketches of his best Welsh work , Rest and Unrest and Light and Twilight .
12 The word ‘ departed ’ , used in the RSV and other versions , does not quite convey the sense of the Hebrew verb , which means ‘ gone into exile ’ .
13 Unfortunately the RSV is forced by the sense of the narrative to obscure the play on words by translating the term as ‘ plague ’ the first time round ( v.
14 To enter a church was to enter a world separated from the work-a-day environment by its interior layout , its decor , all designed to enhance the sense of the saint 's solemn presence in his shrine .
15 You see , if a performance lacks this it becomes boring ; and with Strauss you always had the sense of the music moving forward .
16 Although some speakers urged everyone who agreed with some proposition to show their hand , at no time was a vote taken : the chairman summed up the sense of the meeting after each item , announcing what he thought Kufra 's delegates were mandated to say at the National Assembly .
17 Isa recorded the proceedings — no doubt simply to refresh his memory of the sense of the meeting — but men found the recorder inhibiting , said they feared secret police , reprisals , a black mark .
18 While immigrants may come to share the sense of the Libyan destiny , and to acquire Libyan citizenship , they will lack the lineage and tribal affiliations other Libyans have .
19 The biographer of J. A. Macfadyen recalled that ‘ whenever he preached he seemed overcharged with the sense of the reality and supreme importance of the Gospel ’ .
20 It can be argued that the art of the actor is but a sophisticated reflection of what occurs in all human action : a struggle between what is privately felt and symbolically controlled ( using ‘ symbolic ’ in the sense of the ‘ public language ’ of number , words , gesture and sound , etc. ) , a perpetual state of disequilibrium between personalising and objectifying .
21 The sense of the writer 's presence in the museum is very real .
22 They are essentially directed to promoting the individual persona and private autonomy of the individual rather than citizenship in the sense of the relationship between the individual and the state or the community .
23 My wife , Ann , and I have experienced the sense of the terror that these unfortunate people must have felt , because it still lingers to this day in some of the small corries and glens in the hills above Tummel and Rannoch .
24 There are few cases in which the attention paid to intention ( in the sense of the voluntas of the verba — voluntas dichotomy ) seems particularly remarkable .
25 Obviously , war is seen as an engine of destruction , not merely in the physical sense , but also in the sense of the destruction of all those social bonds that constitute the equilibrium of capitalism as a social entity .
26 Harnoncourt ( ) , on the other hand , is let down by the unpredictability of his choral forces , and Gardiner ( ) is all sheen and polish , but misses the sense of the ceremonial which lies at the heart of his this most perfect of all choral masterpieces .
27 While the majority of individual courses described by the data sheets were assessed , assessment of effectiveness of overall programmes , in the sense of the needs of the individual and the organization being identified and considered , was much less in evidence .
28 The current flowing through the shunt is again controlled by an error detecting system in much the same way as it did in the series case , though the sense of the control has the opposite sign .
29 There are six short vowels , as in the following sentence : You will take these in your stride without much ado if you are concentrating on the sense of the sentence , noticing the crisp consonants .
30 THIS IS Mould , for the first time since his epic ‘ Workbook ’ album , recapturing the sense of the definitive : the last word in love songs and the full stop after heartbreak .
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