Example sentences of "[art] result was [that] " in BNC.

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1 The result was that the union became subordinated for some time to the hierarchy and a breakaway union of protestant teachers was formed .
2 The result was that the social pressure had no effect at all .
3 In Hamlin 's opinion , the crucial thing about the result was that others would be grateful to Gloucester for knocking the champions down a peg or two .
4 The result was that the dealers did n't take too many orders for the ‘ old ’ car .
5 The result was that on the Saturday morning , I told my mother there was nothing for me in England and I was going back to Germany to try and get my old job back .
6 The result was that , for a few years , directors like Carol Reed , David Lean , Michael Powell , Robert Hamer and Alexander Mackendrick created masterpieces .
7 The result was that producers wishing to secure a reasonable return from the British market had to persuade either the Rank or the ABPC booker to take their film .
8 Whether it was the power of Haston 's argument or of his boot , the result was that Healy joined the Workers ' International League .
9 The result was that , although all four teams put their heads together in the pub , there were almost as many theories as there were people .
10 The result was that very soon indeed afterwards my father came with a very sad but kind face in to the room where I sat alone and told me he was sure I should not do that sort of thing again .
11 The result was that in these cases the separation between legal and equitable ownership ceased .
12 The result was that on 20 January 1975 Harold Wilson 's Government , to the dismay of the French , formally cancelled the project and all work on the tunnel stopped .
13 The result was that the board was confined to the business of handling ships and cargo but required ministerial consent if , for example , it wished to develop the land attached to the sites .
14 The result was that every crucial move made inside the Cathedral by the bride and groom — like the placing of the ring on the Princess 's finger — was followed a second or two later by the most enormous cheer from outside .
15 The result was that they received both a big two-year increase and a pay review body which has since been responsible for a further substantial increase in their salaries .
16 The result was that we were dangerously isolated with a strong coalition arrayed against us , but fortunately our opponents overplayed their hand .
17 The result was that it had been increased only twice and now stood at the princely sum of £30 .
18 There was no attempt to persuade and the result was that I blew up .
19 The result was that the Conservative Party suffered an identity crisis .
20 The result was that a great deal of effort went into recording the habitats seen to be under threat , and the material collated within the Symposium volume ( Boyd , 1979b ) proved to be of immense value .
21 For many years I have experience severe rain leakage through the canvas tilt on my Series III.1 once made the mistake of coating another vehicle 's tilt with polyurethane paint but the result was that it hung in tatters within a year as it became brittle .
22 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
23 The result was that Inchbrook left the cloth trade and was taken over by Grist and Tabram for the manufacture of flock and shoddy .
24 The result was that on his arrival at Baden Napoleon III found himself surrounded by all the German rulers : the Kings of Württemberg , Bavaria , Saxony and Hanover , the Grand Dukes of Hesse-Darmstadt and Saxe-Weimar plus the Dukes of Nassau and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha .
25 The result was that events moved perhaps too quickly and brought with them , almost inevitably , an element of confusion .
26 The result was that in spite of some misgivings about the script and the incessantly repetitive dialogue about them doing their own thing , reviewers spoke glowingly of ‘ an actor named Jack Nicholson … is magnificent ’ and ‘ he gave a brilliantly witty performance ’ .
27 The result was that yesterday they turned on us for information as to the number of men to be dropped , the weight of stores and the mileage and so on , all of which was essential for them to know if they were to fit out the aircraft properly .
28 The result was that I chaired a session and I got Pam Mills from the BBC to speak at it and everyone agreed it was one of the best sessions of the conference .
29 The result was that the Government virtually had to climb down over its much heralded claim that it was offering the miners a significant increase in pay .
30 The result was that the babies with analgesia had much reduced postoperative endocrine changes , fewer complications and earlier recovery .
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