Example sentences of "[prep] [n mass] trying [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet basically it was a team of people trying to wrest power , not a populist-based overthrow .
2 You 're talking there about a bunch of people trying to stop another bunch of people 's expression of what they see , when they know absolutely nothing about them .
3 You 're talking there about a bunch of people trying to stop another bunch of people 's expression of what they see , when they know absolutely nothing about them .
4 For this reason , if you are lucky enough to get the chance to become a PA , because of the number of people trying to get started , you 'll find pay is n't brilliant to begin with .
5 Development agencies are well placed to make this point with the authority of people trying to get a job done .
6 As in other countries with severe economic problems , there are large numbers of people trying to make a living through informal work .
7 The museum was more crowded than on her previous visit , alive with the subdued noise of a lot of people trying to make no sound .
8 The court heard that customs men later went to a Surrey hotel where they recorded several messages of people trying to contact Melms .
9 The main city centre hospital was packed with injured people , many brought by taxi , and inundated with hundreds of people trying to find relatives among the dead or injured .
10 The main city centre hospital was packed with injured people , many brought by taxi , and inundated with hundreds of people trying to find relatives among the dead or injured .
11 ‘ There are all sorts of people trying to rob and cheat you , but you sound like a doctor , and you , young lady , could never get away with a crime .
12 There were no world-famous painters or film stars , but a lot of people trying to look like them .
13 The lanes in the dale were full of people trying to locate Hannah , some in caravans .
14 Now Kenneth has started talking tough on crime , and if Gillian Shephard gets really nasty with people trying to claim unemployment benefit , things will start to look up . ’
15 Two police officers were killed in Santiago on July 21 , 1989 , by the Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces ( Fuerzas Rebeldes Populares Lautaro — FRPL ) in retaliation for incidents on July 17 when police , clashing with people trying to occupy housing , killed one person and arrested 220 .
16 I 've had so many conversations with people trying to convince them of a particular point , and although I find words central to my life … ‘
17 This is repeated with people trying to guess the method .
18 These are an integral part of the professional courses which are run for people trying to improve their chances of getting a job .
19 The Orwell Counselling Group offers a wide range of therapeutic skills and personal therapy in East Suffolk for people trying to deal with all kinds of problems .
20 ‘ The pressure that they are under to keep coming up with hit songs … for people trying to write just one , that can be difficult .
21 She had worked for the Underground movement , involved in forging passports and papers for people trying to escape across the Channel ; had been discovered but saved from death by a German , who had raped her and kept her as his own prisoner .
22 While I do not regret spending the time with my children in their early years , I feel that the medical world is not the place for people trying to combine a family and career . ’
23 When they are asked to sign a piece of paper they moan and groan , and get paranoid about people trying to peep at them in their luxury .
24 The method of manufacture must be free from sharp edges and exposed fixings which create problems for staff trying to keep the unit clean .
25 Noades said : ‘ There 's enough pressure on us as it is , being second-bottom of the Premier League , without people trying to split up a long-standing partnership .
26 I would tut at people trying to climb in wellingtons , and roll my eyes at those in jeans .
27 They caused damage estimated at £50 trying to get into a third business .
28 She was cold , tired and aching ; her bed had n't been thick enough , and she 'd been wakened several times by sheep trying to share it , or eat it .
29 worth $100 billion , are lost by people trying to get their PC to do something .
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