Example sentences of "[prep] [be] involved in " in BNC.

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1 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
2 It is now more than ever clear that every section of society needs to be involved in responding to AIDS , including the churches .
3 This can be done only if the whole body is seen to be involved in some way or other .
4 US companies are expected to be involved in the research , backed by £65 million of EC money .
5 It is actively supported by a small part of the population , and tacitly tolerated by many more , out of either fear or a simple desire not to be involved in a political battle .
6 It was the temple for everyone who wanted to be involved in something that had nothing to do with what most people thought was ‘ happening ’ in that part of the seventies .
7 All of that to me smacks of a lack of appreciation of the need to understand a business thoroughly , where you 're going to be involved in making major decisions .
8 ‘ I get satisfaction from being able to be involved in a number of activities in the part of the world where
9 William Durant , who ran GM , did n't want to be involved in the war effort and ordered the Lelands not t proceed with the idea .
10 A family of four is believed to be involved in organizing a spy-ring from their home .
11 The association wished to be involved in a major city-centre conversion but needed to be sure that the selected project would succeed .
12 Broaddus — owner of Prodesco , a textile company in Pennsylvania , and an American with extensive business interests outside catering — was a friend and former hotel client of Brown , and had always wanted to be involved in the hospitality industry .
13 I want to be involved in the growth of something .
14 Carbery looked at him warily , his eyes pleading not to be involved in such dangerous speculation , and shook his head slowly without speaking .
15 Parents allow children to be involved in prostitution because they bring in money .
16 ‘ It is the community who should , in the main , determine whether police are to be involved in resolving community conflicts . ’
17 The boyfriend , who suddenly was not allowed to be involved in these discussions at all , talked to his girlfriend and they were married by special licence .
18 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
19 Bowie was also supposed to be involved in the score for the film — but eight weeks from its world première in London on Boxing Day , December 26 , 1989 , distributors Warner Brothers were as confused as those working on the film .
20 Drugs evaluated by this method include D-cycloserine which is thought to be involved in the formation of memory .
21 The World Bank is expected to be involved in arranging finance for the study and for modernisation .
22 The situation is more encouraging in the Netherlands , where parents were found to be involved in the care process ‘ to some extent ’ at least in 90 per cent of cases ; intensive involvement is , however , limited to 39 per cent of cases ( Ploeg and Scholte , 1988 ) .
23 They were either disruptive , or withdrawn , or simply not around to be involved in familial or household responsibilities .
24 Teachers should not seek to be involved in every aspect of the school — administrative/clerical , catering and many aspects of the pastoral function should be contracted out to specialist providers .
25 Councillors vary tremendously in the extent to which they expect to be involved in day-to-day matters of administration in the authority .
26 But that does n't mean I have to be involved in this kind of nauseous business . ’
27 If any member wishes to see a copy of the R.H.A. plans or the branches ' report or would like to be involved in any way please contact myself of Lynn Inglis .
28 To this end we welcome the support of any interested NCT members who wish to be involved in some way .
29 Researchers in Birmingham and Aarhus in Denmark have found a protein called LMP , produced by the virus and thought to be involved in the cancer , in cells from about half of a sample of 84 tumours from patients with Hodgkin 's disease .
30 In taking this up , however , it is necessary to realise that non-Republican people in the North are not disposed to agitate to get full civil rights for Republicans ; they have to be involved in their own interests .
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