Example sentences of "[prep] [be] contain within " in BNC.

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1 The second was an untidy and protracted business , stretching on through the spring and summer and coinciding with the refusal of The Possessed to be contained within the limits of a ‘ tendentious ’ sideshow .
2 ‘ A great deal more needs to be done if fraud and irregularity are to be contained within tolerable limits , ’ it adds .
3 De Gaulle had not set out to destroy the EEC , but to remould it in a more appropriate form , where the ‘ ambiguities ’ and ‘ mistakes ’ which he believed to be contained within the Treaty of Rome would be eliminated .
4 The main consideration with envelopes is that they should be large enough and strong enough to accommodate the material to be contained within them .
5 The smaller the unit , the shorter should be the stay inside it — there are very few patients who need to be contained within a locked unit of this kind for more than a few days .
6 This means that the high-bay system has to be contained within the envelope of a more or less conventional steel portal frame or space-frame structure .
7 we argued there that erm scale of migration was not necessary to be contained within Leeds and Bradford , to promote regeneration because we 're s we 're now , we have now exhausted all our brown field sites to the extent that we 've had to take land out of our greenbelt , but there we were looking at something in the order of four thousand dwellings in three dris districts , spread over fifteen years , and we might reasonably assume that they 'd come forward in a dispersed manner on a site by site basis er and be relatively small scale , certainly we would be looking at the local plans which flow from this alteration to make sure that will be the case , now a new settlement 's a completely different animal , you would have to come forward quickly otherwise it would not be regarded as a success , it would it would need wide publicity , perhaps across the whole region , maybe even beyond , it would be a a major attraction to anybody thinking of moving house er from Leeds to a a location which would be accessible to them to retain their employment in Leeds , so I think we were talking about two different things entirely , more than that Mr Brighton 's su suggested that fifteen hundred would not be an adequate scale , it would have to be , I think two thousand five hundred was his figure , er Mr Timothy 's suggested th the same sort of thinking , and Mr Brook to , that the the settlement would have to get bigger , erm which only compounds our problem , any any settlement which grew larger and larger and inevitably would contain more employment as well as housing would become more of a threat to the regeneration of Leeds and , perhaps to a lesser extent Bradford , and it 's on
8 As a result of such consultation it is planned that over the period 1989–90 to 1999–2000 there should be an increase in total ( FTE ) graduate numbers of around 700 ( home/EC and overseas ) , a significant proportion of which has already been achieved ; this would allow room for undergraduates to increase by 1,300 and for the overall growth of the University to be contained within the broad policy approved by Congregation of 1 per cent a year to the end of the decade .
9 I 'd , Dave Girt , Leeds City , I 'd be er pleased to hear from Mr Williamson that the hundred and forty five hectares for Greater York is actually to be contained within the York greenbelt , I I think Leeds has misunderstood that point , perhaps misled by the way each one was worded and we 've in previous days clarified that point so
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