Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] father 's " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose my feelings about my father 's death were charged with guilt .
2 I pick up the paper and think about my father 's Social Security card sitting on my desk at home .
3 At last I knew the truth about my father 's betrayal and death .
4 I told him about my father 's arrest ; about the doctor ; about life in Fontanellato ; about the mercato nero ; about the Allies being stuck between Rome and Naples ; about the bombing of the cities , especially Genoa .
5 That collection by itself was more important than all the authentic Modigliani drawings published during my father 's life-time .
6 I 'm acting as my father 's secretary . ’
7 At that time I was more interested in making fireworks than in ghosts , and again through my father 's good offices , I was able to obtain both gunpowder , and materials for making Roman candle balls — dried more or less successfully at the back of the kitchen range .
8 ‘ No , I came across the letter that had been enclosed with the money when I was going through my father 's papers after he died .
9 What sort of twisted thoughts went through my father 's brain at the time to make him choose such a name for the child I can not start to imagine , but that was the name Angus chose for his new son .
10 For my father 's part , he accepted Jane 's presence without question ; and she had consideration for his duodenal ulcer , and looked up to him as head of the household , and fitted in like the rest of us .
11 I had no time for my father 's illusions .
12 While the fly continues its fight against death , I search for my father 's stamp magnifier to examine this tiny drosophila .
13 ‘ As for my father 's influence over the boy , I do believe you 're exaggerating , Beth .
14 He has shown Matthew a great deal of kindness , and you have to admit that , were it not for my father 's offer of friendship , Matthew would be a very lonely soul .
15 He expressed at once his sorrow for my father 's death .
16 ‘ When I was your age I spent almost every summer weekend scoring for my father 's village team .
17 She could barely breathe , her heart pounding so hard that she had to shout shakily , ‘ Because I knew it meant you could n't have married me for my father 's company , and I wanted to find out why you 'd lied about it . ’
18 Later , in 1977 after my father 's death , we found out that they were never married , that we were illegitimate .
19 ‘ He 's called Henry , ’ she said idly as they walked along , ‘ after my grandfather , and also I think after my father 's elder brother , who died in a railway accident .
20 Two weeks after my father 's release Dr Sambataro , faking appendicitis , was taken from the prison to the hospital in Parma , where the surgeons supported him in his pretence .
21 After my father 's death in twenty three , he was executive of the estate and my guardian .
22 They carried on after their father 's death in 1826 .
23 Yet , as far as Diana and her brother and sisters were concerned , Lady Spencer was a gold-digger after their father 's status .
24 That was why , Claudia saw suddenly , Fleur had clung more than ever to Dana after their father 's death .
25 Nithard puts them in 839 : Charles 's mother , and the magnates who had worked on the will of his father to promote Charles 's cause , fearing that if Louis were to die before matters were settled , they would risk incurring the hatred of Charles 's brothers to their own ruin , advised that the father should choose one of those sons to be his helper so that , even if the others refused to remain at peace after their father 's death , these two at least would have been so firmly united that they would be able to withstand the hostility of their rivals .
26 After their father 's death , it was Louis whose interests proved more closely aligned to Charles 's .
27 The only evidence is a statement of Hincmar 's forty years later , that the grants were made " when the three brothers Lothar , Louis and Charles divided the regnum between themselves after their father 's death " .
28 During the month after her father 's death each of them had discovered the need to explore hitherto suppressed areas of feeling and half-knowledge that stood between them and a clearer knowledge of the selves they were now fully determined to offer to each other .
29 In addition to financial worries the job was not a pleasant one : in spite of many years of apparent conviviality , Dorothy realized after her father 's death that ‘ he had not one real friend ’ .
30 Even that proved not enough to save her ; less than a year after her father 's passing , she finally succumbed to the illness which had beset her for so long , and was laid to rest at St John 's .
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