Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [noun prp] used " in BNC.

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1 Involuntarily , it seemed , her glance strayed across the room to her dressing-table , and Breeze , following the direction of her eyes , remembered that a photograph of Jack Carey used to stand there .
2 Like Frank Spencer used to do stupid things .
3 Even the much vaunted Mick Jones collaboration sounds like Mick Jones used to be in The Alarm not The Clash .
4 There 's a tendency to take someone like Lowe and put him with no-talent good-lookers like Robert Taylor used to be , or Tyrone Power . ’
5 I backed rapidly up the stairs , holding the bouquet between us like Peter Cushing used to hold a crucifix up to Dracula .
6 In some ways I might as well have been in the Outer Hebrides , Now everyone 's got a car it 's difficult to explain how isolated somewhere like Kensal Green used to be in those days .
7 A chalet camp in East Anglia used to send out an application form for prospective visitors that requested , among other details , ‘ Number of children ( by sex ) … ’
8 Good Friday in East Anglia used to be the traditional day for planting potatoes .
9 ACROSS 1 Give bad reviews to dumb show — he might be in this ( 9 ) 6 Old-time US lawyer and rocker ( 5 ) 9 Reversing of French vehicle went quickly ( 5 ) 10 Dynamic object contains fungus ( 9 ) 11 Main entrance where he went Up the third time ? ( 3,5 ) 12 Baldwin shortly takes on church position ( 6 ) 14 The man himself ( 7,6 ) 16 New sandpit from E. Europe used to treat shoes ( 4,3,6 ) 21 Gauges placing a thousand rows ( 6 ) 22 Seller hears another way to say in other words ( 8 ) 25 Phone round Esquire readers with article on things observed ( 9 ) 26 One lady posed as the one with tattoos ( 5 ) 27 Equipment in ship for sketches he 's appeared in ( 5 ) 28 One put her away immediately ( 9 )
10 T. D. A woman in Kent Street used to come to the corner with a bottle of beer .
11 The Metropolitan Museum in New York used to put out an annual volume called Notable Acquisitions .
12 Cos he used to Alan Bleasdale used to be Peter Reed 's teacher at school and the
13 The huge hangar at Ford Island used to assemble many of the ‘ props ’ of the film .
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