Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] upon [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Hilary of once upon a time would have done it and taken great pleasure in confronting him , but the Hilary of now seemed to have become a spineless coward .
2 When a bequest fails through the death of the person for whom it was intended , and does not pass under a residuary bequest , as must necessarily be the case if the bequest which falls is itself residuary , the property will be dealt with as upon an intestacy .
3 It is a beauty wrought out from within upon the flesh , the deposit , little cell by cell , of strange thoughts and fantastic reveries and exquisite passions .
4 Very few films are about rape , although it crops up all over the place — from the narrative device launching an endless cycle of Death Wish movies , to general ’ scene-setting ’ in war movies and crime thrillers , or used with sublime insensitivity to illuminate ( male ) character : Robert De Niro raping his childhood sweetheart in Once Upon A Time In America , Bob Hoskins forcing himself on the maid in The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne .
5 The ability to organise a classroom , a group or an individual child , to structure experience so that learning not only occurs at the moment of teaching but remains ; the sensitivity to perceive the world from a child 's perspective , the understanding to build for tomorrow upon the child 's present , and to know and appreciate a child 's weaknesses and strengths — these are the skills which are the basis for a teacher 's claim to ‘ professionalism ’ .
6 I 'm just trying to remember that j Oh erm down on Road , here , where the vicarage is , it used to be a pub , because the vicarage were over here at once upon a time .
7 The Sheriff was of the opinion that the pursuers ' right to damages arose at once upon the default of the defenders , as every breach gave rise to a claim of damages irrespective of whether it was a breach sufficiently material to justify rescission .
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