Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] week " in BNC.

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1 They used to be in the boxes up the yard , you see , you used to lay them and feed them for perhaps a week before you killed them .
2 In many of the large catchments to which the DoE refers , impact of nitrate may now be over the limit for only a week each year , but in future it may be for two weeks , then three , then a month or more : when does the UK propose to take action ?
3 They know that it would be almost impossible for them , even though it would be for only a week , after which they could return to their comfortable lives .
4 Ed and Matthew stayed at Peter 's for only a week and then they were off on their own .
5 The plasterer dressed in his working clothes of fustian splashed with white lime , seen in the Little Dorrit illustration saying goodbye to the Father of the Marshalsea , managed to settle with his creditors after only a week .
6 Although you may drop a dress size or see the scales tipping in your favour after only a week or two , all too often the results are short-lived .
7 This time she contacted me again after just a week to say that , for the first time , she had been able to buy clothes for her children in a certain famous store rather than having to rely on ordering from a mail order firm .
8 A GO-KART bought to keep kids out of trouble has been stolen from a youth centre in Cardiff after just a week .
9 Steroids , which attack the root of asthma , are widely recommended by doctors but they also have side effects and take effect only after about a week .
10 After about a week , I noticed the vehicle had settled about 15mm more on the off-side — noticeable on a level surface .
11 I later discovered this is the colouring of juvenile specimens and the darker colouring should appear after the fish has reached 20cm — mine duly obliged after about a week .
12 After about a week of this behaviour , and some digging , the pair spawned on the vertical side of this rock , laying several hundred thread-stalked brown eggs , which were guarded by both parents .
13 After about a week , she begins to lay .
14 He had been a share salesman for just a week and a half , and the deal put £200 in his pocket .
15 Well — Lorne had almost got his Business degree , for just a week before graduating he accepted instead the position of assistant to Bob Cundy , an independent ethnographer who virtually single-handedly cranked out hair-raising adventure films , shot in all parts of the world , at a time when it was still feasible to make a living out of them .
16 ‘ You said you were here for just a week ? ’
17 And now that I 'm home for good , at least my bookings abroad will be for just a week or so at a time , that 's all , well … we 're coming together .
18 Ask your newsagent to deliver you a copy of best every week
19 Their former Serbian neighbours of just a week ago have also left , streaming in the opposite direction across the Drina into Serbia .
20 Have cream a maximum of once a week .
21 The cleaning-lady comes once a day now , instead of once a week .
22 They are not actually all that difficult , as we 've been finding in the teaching that we 've been doing where indeed we have students who take a ten week course , sort of once a week , and by about week six they 're already beginning to do that , they 're beginning to work out their own problems erm puzzles and games and little language understanding programs and that 's commonplace , actually .
23 Indeed , ever since the Queensberry era began in 1892 every weight division has had a high proportion of middle-class world champions and contenders — men for whom deprivation was having T-bone steaks only twice instead of thrice a week [ see table ] .
24 You know I was only away for two nights , it felt like about a week .
25 For nearly a week after the injury , whenever he was in Nikkie 's field of view , Yeroen would hobble pitifully , generating an air of pain and dejection .
26 Dr David Clark , Labour 's agriculture spokesman , said : ‘ It was entirely irresponsible of the ministry to allow farmers for nearly a week to feed contaminated material to animals .
27 Miss Clinton stayed for nearly a week at Dale End before leaving to tour Scotland .
28 We stayed on the train for nearly a week , first being drawn down the track to Myinge where dear Jack Cardew took us into his house while the railway was repaired .
29 After they had virtually controlled the city for nearly a week , the Shanghai students scaled down their actions .
30 After instruction in the regulations of the ‘ prison ’ the volunteers were placed in it for nearly a week , and their reactions and behaviour observed .
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