Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] seemed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The space between them seemed to be almost solid , you could see it had edges .
2 The patients had all been washed and set up in their chairs and most of them seemed to be almost asleep .
3 In these circumstances , a determined mother could be free to groom herself , hold office in this or that community activity , or find a job , in order to fulfil herself ; though none of them seemed to be able to explain why acting as a bank teller or the secretary of a charity , for example , was more fulfilling than looking after their own children .
4 As they watched , a tall tree in front of them seemed to be burning with a white flame .
5 The only things that might have been classed as narrative were the poems , and they did n't seem to have anything to do with each other , apart from the fact a lot of them seemed to be vaguely about Death , or Love .
6 All of them seemed to be on rather intimate terms with the proprietress , who was a very handsome , dark-haired woman , tall and well-built , with penetrating eyes .
7 But while I spotted eighteen known spies in my first glance around , none of them seemed to me focused on me .
8 Most of them seemed to be the kind that took the prepaid cards that he never had , but there were a couple of pay booths at the end of the row and he made for those .
9 All of them seemed to be toy shops .
10 Half the board raised their own flagons in answer — most of them seemed to be Hearthwares — and they answered him thunderously , Ratagan loudest of all .
11 Neither of them seemed to be emergencies , as the callers had n't asked for immediate aid .
12 Some of them seemed to be actually sobbing .
13 Most of them seemed to be going in search of tea and for a moment , she hesitated .
14 ‘ Kitty disappeared off the face of the earth and then without warning turned up in Whitechapel with a man in a motor car ; neither of them seemed to be hers but she looked very pleased with life . ’
15 The German prostitutes were terribly clean and efficient and not one of them seemed in the least turned on by what they were doing .
16 Many of them seemed like tiny oases hemmed in by the alien rubber which overran the entire peninsula .
17 Something in that dark brown gaze of his seemed to be able to squeeze the truth out of her .
18 It was a very small patch , about the size of a postage stamp , and the two sides of it seemed to be splitting down the middle and opening slowly outwards , like a pair of shutters on some tiny window .
19 The snow was driving down now but even through that whirling vortex of frozen city detritus , none of it seemed to be making any impression on those glistening black pavements or the tarmac .
20 But the gist of it seemed to be that there should be an early , and preferably unpleasant , end to the miserable life of the blasphemer and pig-fancier , Wilson .
21 The skirt is definite , you know , so many pleats , uhum , so obviously that is and the blazer 's static , but quite a lot of it seemed to be fairly , you know , instead of grey , either the school track suit or just a grey track suit , so uhum , which it is , it 's all these little bits like .
22 Lifting her out of the water we were totally silent , and neither of us seemed to be willing to commit ourselves on a weight so we just put her in the sling and let the scales do the talking .
23 And er some of us seemed to be more awkward than others , I mean some people 's feet when you look at them and , and areas like that , that , you think well why did Jehovah make them like that , they 're so ugly and yet without them where would we be ?
24 Some of us seemed to be awkward and the truth , new and the truth , inexperienced , others seemed to be so polished do n't they ?
25 The footsteps behind her seemed to be hurrying , almost as if they were trying to catch her up .
26 The shrine and the whole house shook and the ground beneath it seemed to be shifting away as though in an earthquake .
27 Going along with him seemed to be the best way of getting rid of him .
28 Everything inside me seemed to be fine .
29 At the same time they saw a causal link between the predicament of the peasants and their own frustrations ; the political , social , and cultural constrictions which impinged directly upon them seemed to be the product of a society based upon oppression of the masses .
30 When Albert missed the child most urgently , the refusal of money for him seemed like a moral tactic to take him away forever .
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