Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] probably " in BNC.

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1 the the deputies had prepared er they 'd er there 'd be a stall say erm n n nineties or like that might be , and the order for them would probably be , Twelve four foot props , and twelve bars , you see ?
2 Until the trial , few of them would probably have read The Face .
3 Indeed , all three of them would probably have willingly paid to have been part of the occasion which is now firmly entrenched in French sporting history .
4 In this large body , very few would have known the pre-Conquest church ; and most of them would probably have been children of the new gentry in the neighbourhood of Canterbury , perhaps with parents of mixed Anglo-Norman origin .
5 ‘ Some of them will probably think you need cutting down to size ; they might be quite right , of course .
6 Most of them will probably go off and get married .
7 However , the proof most of you would probably have given is : If x = y then x2 = y2 ( 2 ) , a contradiction .
8 G M B is one , T & g 's another and there 's a third which I 'm not going to name , but most of you can probably guess .
9 Most of you will probably want to qualify your answers .
10 And , all of you will probably make different choices .
11 My memory of it would probably be .
12 Most of us would probably start off growing pelargoniums in a soilless compost but Hazel reports that they 're actually much easier to grow well in a loam-based compost .
13 But most of us would probably eschew the ostentatious and eccentric , and settle for an honest and straightforward run of bindings that have a plain tale to tell of their place and time .
14 Most of us would probably panic , think catastrophic thoughts , breathe rapidly , run away to a safe place , call out the doctor , and make a will .
15 But most of us would probably say that the Edwardian Era ended with the bullets that Gavrilo Princip fired into the body of Arch-duke Ferdinand on the 28th June 1914 .
16 But given the choice and understanding , most of us would probably still rather face up to distress .
17 One of us will probably be sucessful .
18 But then most of us could probably bluff our way into a second division club with a bit of nous .
19 Erm whereas at this stage the four of us could probably find accommodation which was n't that much more expensive erm but to have the actual focus for the for the local party .
20 Erm it 's erm this is people or stories but a based again I 'm sure when y as you read through you 'll probably find quite a lot of the erm little things that they 're giving you here you could relate to in your own life , either for yourself or for other people that you know .
21 These butterflies are so quick and easy to make the more enthusiastic amongst you will probably want to try your hand at producing various named species !
22 And standing still brings me to sitting still , which , the more observant amongst you will probably have noticed , I am doing now .
23 Lie to me , and the gentleman behind you will probably break your fingers one by one , and very possibly the gentlemen wit the club will take a certain delight in knocking out your teeth . "
24 Sensibly avoided , a sex session with them would probably lead to repentant tears and an under-age sex charge .
25 When a research project is written up it will probably not be any grandiose offering ( indeed it will probably be all the better for not being grandiose ) , but if the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail and accuracy and the statement of results does not go beyond the limits justified by the data then a useful craftsmanlike job of work will have been accomplished .
26 By then all the stars will have burned out and the protons and neutrons in them will probably have decayed into light particles and radiation .
27 ‘ You could hope to convert a £125,000 barn for Pounds 80,000 , but by the time you move in you would probably find you have spent nearer the cost price of the barn . ’
28 Mind you , if it costs three pounds a head to get in you 'll probably not want to go .
29 By lifting these and other examples out of the compelling context of the stories in which they are embedded and analysing just how they are weaved in you will probably be able to see how , in the compelling story you are contemplating , a similar device can be used .
30 I think you 'd really have to you 'd probably need to look at the booklet and then speak to erm one of the Prudential people about you know the amount of time you were considering paying contributions and the probably just weigh up the benefits of of each scheme .
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