Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] vary from " in BNC.

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1 Prospects , therefore , for bright and well qualified people are good , although demand for solicitors varies from year to year .
2 The college has a number of resident post-graduate students who are there for periods varying from a year to three years .
3 The term ‘ money market ’ refers to the process whereby financial institutions come together to borrow and lend wholesale funds for periods varying from one day to one year .
4 When we do this , we find that a critic 's range of activities varies from place to place and period to period .
5 Physical barriers to trade take a variety of forms varying from delays and unnecessary formalities at customs posts , and immigration controls , to searches of vehicles and baggage , transport and handling charges .
6 Maps and plans showing site information are nearly always included , but the number and type of photographs and of illustrations of other details of the site and of finds vary from site to site .
7 For a rating scale , the number of classes varies from 3 or 5 to perhaps 10 ; it is usually difficult to make distinctions finer than a 10-point scale requires .
8 The number of participants varied from evening to evening : attendance was higher at the beginning of the week than at the end .
9 The frequency of gradings varies from club to club , but generally they are held once every three months .
10 The patterning of stripes varies from animal to animal .
11 Nine schools have taken part and the discussions to date transcribed , in total some 50 discussions of lengths varying from 3 to 25 minutes .
12 The number of females varies from species to species .
13 The sections could take from two weeks to half a term to complete , so the actual number of tests varied from scheme to scheme .
14 The traditional homes of landowners vary from the simple ( though even these have the Bohemian chandeliers ) to the near palatial .
15 Duration of symptoms varied from two months to 15 years .
16 The duties and powers of deans vary from university to university .
17 Access for dogs varies from one property to another , according to the nature of the site .
18 Job opportunities for expatriates vary from country to country in that in countries where the native population is high , every effort is naturally made to employ local nationals rather than expatriates .
19 Scales are not usually given except as scale bars with units varying from one to another but the main chart is approximately 1:239,300 and the Caledonian Canal is in the order of 1:80,000 .
20 I was delighted and surprised that all 120 volunteers had lost weight , with losses varying from 3 pounds to 1 stone 12 pounds during the eight-week trial .
21 User groups Children 's provision is almost invariably separated , with allocations varying from 12% -20% of the total .
22 Primary infection with HIV-1 may cause an acute viral syndrome with symptoms varying from mild fever , malaise , headaches , and maculopapular rash to more severe symptoms like aseptic meningoencephalitis and even oesophageal candidiasis .
23 An American tournament was played , with handicaps varying from - 12 to + 8 , with games to 15 points .
24 The contemporary section will see the dispersal of some fifty prints by David Hockney from the Knoedler Kasmin Gallery , with estimates varying from £300–8,000 ( $530–14,000 ) .
25 The Rive Gauche fascinated me , with its bookstalls ready to yield a treasure-trove to the discerning , sharp-eyed bibliophile ; and I was amused by the artists , painting in attitudes varying from complete absorption to self-conscious posturing bravura .
26 He also found a spiral of relative magnetic intensity : two stones on the west side of the circle were pulsing magnetically , in cycles varying from 40 to 60 seconds .
27 The level of acidity in predators varies from species to species .
28 C. The flow of water , or discharge , in rivers varies from summer to winter , and from day to day .
29 They were all ordered to pay what they owed the creditor/plaintiffs , plus costs varying from 14s 2½d to 3s 1Od .
30 Views on tackling the demand for drugs varied from the liberal Dutch approach to the hard-line US attitude .
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