Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 Below them , a large group of human subjects had been circling for hours around a roller rink set among the trees .
2 and er you see and , and anyway I finished up my holiday and the sergeant said , he kept his promise and er sent me a report over the newspaper , you see , and er and of course and I liked the Isle of Man , you know , I went for trips around the island and various places and er , and I did see a Manx cat
3 She had a nanny , Kent-born Judith Pamell who took the infant Diana for walks around the grounds in a well-used , highly-sprung perambulator .
4 So we find him circling for months around the insoluble problem of Kee , exulting and then despairing , then exulting again .
5 They allow leading firms continuously to adjust to the collapse of the timescales for the diffusion of products around the world ; people all over the world are increasingly aware of what others are buying .
6 On the other hand , if there were more than three spatial dimensions , the orbits of planets around the sun or electrons around a nucleus would be unstable and they would tend to spiral inward .
7 The leeches look as if they have the faces of the bodies they have burst from , and they are capable of rearing up and attacking with a cluster of teeth around a central sucker .
8 The colourful pictures were much the same , the number of PWRs around the world had increased , but there was one major difference .
9 The beautiful island of Gigha spread out before us with a cluster of houses around the little bay of Ardminish .
10 Consider the following sequence of activities around a reading passage in Roy Kingsbury 's ( 1983 ) Longman First Certificate Coursebook Unit 21 , entitled ‘ Daydreaming : This time tomorrow … ’ .
11 Here is a sequence of activities around a reading passage from Simon Greenall 's and Michael Swan 's ( 1986 ) Effective Reading Unit 20 , entitled ‘ Save the jungle — save the world ’ .
12 Greatbatch and Thomson — again to the arm ball — were swept aside in the space of four deliveries , Patel chose once more to live by the sword and this time died by it , and Cairns fell meekly , to the ever-increasing cluster of fielders around the bat .
13 Top quality mattresses are also hand side-stitched — this will look like rows of dimples around the borders to hold the springs firmly in place at the edges and to strengthen the border .
14 There are , in fact , infinitely many other families of homoclinic orbits winding any number of times around the z-axis .
15 What we have is an excess of definitions around the feminine whereas men are the undefined norm .
16 It has been able to anticipate requirements of operators around the world .
17 While senior members of the party and government hold a series of meetings around the city , the Stefan the Great Movement for National Revival is holding what it calls a ‘ great gathering ’ in the main stadium .
18 Thiercelin began to nudge through the crowd of idlers around the stage door , leaving his friend gazing stoically after him in the late evening rain .
19 Five years ago DIP entered its second phase , thanks to the development of software that not only handled image storage and retrieval but actively managed the routing and movement of images around an organisation .
20 There were no juke-boxes or Coke machines , but there were many shelves of books around the room and a selection of magazines and newspapers ; there were also at least a dozen chess-boards .
21 In another family , where both father and daughter were in the trade , there were plenty of books around the house , but the children were " not good scholars " whatever that meant .
22 concertina cut-outs of animals around the room .
23 Tonight ITV , 8pm DS GREIG fronts an undercover operation where the aim is to nab a burglar who has been running riot pulling off dozens of break-ins around a local housing estate .
24 The town has some fascinating historical buildings , among which must be mentioned the old Town Hall with its Black Tower , the Latin school with its allegorical front , the salt house with its striking black and white shutters , the house where Pestalozzi , the Swiss educational reformer , died in 1827 , a parish church dating from 1480 , and a cluster of houses in a happy jumble of styles around the Heimatsmuseum .
25 Graduates were usually destined for mageship at least , but Rincewind — after an unfortunate event — had left knowing only one spell and made a living of sorts around the town by capitalising on an innate gift for languages .
26 The anemone has a flower-like cluster of tentacles around a single central opening ; the sea squirt has no tentacles and two openings connected to each other by a U-shaped tube .
27 It has a digestive tract that ends in an anus and a group of tentacles around the mouth , enclosed within the two shell valves .
28 Its front end projects above the surface and carries a little coronet of tentacles around the opening through which it sucks in water .
29 Although the general distribution of earthquakes around the world had been known for many years , it was only with the establishment of a comprehensive network of seismographic stations to monitor underground nuclear weapons testing in the early 1960s that a detailed global picture emerged ( Fig. 2.10 ) .
30 Last year your film correspondent , William Parente , suggested that the last real subject left for the British film industry to tackle was the Highland Clearances , a subject of relevance to the Gaels , their current political context , and to many thousands of Scots around the world .
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