Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] need " in BNC.

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1 Patients may be admitted to the ward for investigations that need to be carried out under local or general anaesthetic , e.g. the removal of a small piece of tissue for examination under a microscope ( a biopsy ) or the internal inspection of an organ such as the bladder ( a cystoscopy ) .
2 In carrying out the review proposed in paragraph 10 above , MPAs will clearly have to distinguish between permissions that need improving to bring them up to modern standards , and those that are/would damage designated sites , important water resources etc .
3 The result of these tests will determine , for example , depth of foundations or need for special design such as raft construction or piles , problems associated with high water table for both foundations and drainage , need for de-watering , sulphate content of the soil and need to use sulphate-resistant cement .
4 Lots of activities that need a spiritual power to make them work are actually outlawed by God in the Bible , so any spiritual power being used in them is clearly not from him but is from Satan ; God would n't ban something that he 'd created for our good !
5 There are lots of hedges that need to be clipped .
6 And it can quickly produce a list of signs that need to be altered for a relief route or during a major road repair .
7 But Wittgenstein has been seen to argue convincingly that naming is a subsidiary use of language and that many substantives are not used for this purpose ( the psychological participles like ‘ thinking ’ being the obvious example ) and , furthermore , that naming itself is not a sort of primal act of speech acquisition but a clutch of language-games that need to be mastered like any others .
8 However , the report identifies a number of areas that need to be addressed in more detail as a result we are recommendatin it , recommending that a major consultation exercise be d be conducted this year to ensure that the many ideas that people have to improve our Health , Safety and Environment Service are considered .
9 An electric drill is essential for plumbing work : there are a lot of holes that need to be made in walls either to pass pipes through or to secure pipe clips or to support fittings such as basins , central heating boilers and so on — and making these is much easier with an electric drill fitted with a masonry drill bit .
10 And I think there are a lot of questions that need to be asked — has there been , er have , have corners been cut in order to keep the cost down , were we getting a good quality service or just a cheap service ?
11 These subjective factors open up the number of variations that need to be considered and hence leads to an underconstrained design situation that can stimulate major changes in product concepts .
12 As well as making quick botch jobs of things that need careful repair if they are not to fall apart again next week , teachers , when they confront the impossibility of doing everything they ought to do head on , are faced with making some very tough priority decisions .
13 I seem to be doing nothing but making lists of things that need fixing . ’
14 I have a couple of things that need to be seen to before the programme goes out . ’
15 So what I 'm gon na do , is I 'm going go , give you a list of things that need to go into your diary every week , and I 'll just put the list up , and you perhaps write it under Sunday or something on there , because I 'm going to work on a five day week Monday to Friday .
16 Of course there are a number of modifications that need to be made to this analyser before it is able to cope well with general text .
17 What basically emerges from the planning point of view is the number of objectives that need to be considered in terms of pupil performance — not only what he will be able to do at completion ( on which educational technologists have understandably concentrated ) but also what he will have to be able to do in the process .
18 However , there are a number of qualifications that need to be made about the results .
19 The sort of windows that need little or nothing in the way of treatment are usually narrow slits of glass , small ovals , round , arched , stained and etched glass windows that only show a glimpse of the outside and are often unopenable anyway .
20 I am afraid it is written in enviro-jargon , which will need translating into ordinary English or Welsh , but I hope it helps you think about the kind of issues that need to be got across in a popular television programme .
21 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
22 I 'm I 'd like to know what it 's like running Oxford City Council when , and I 'm sure you think you 're doing an good job and many people probably do think you 're a good job , but there are lots of issues that need discussing .
23 Concentration of updates in a particular area — case 3 above — reduces the number of blocks that have to be read and in the most extreme case , where all or none of the records in a block require updating , the percentage of records that need to be read would not change due to blocking .
24 In Committee and on the Floor of the House , the Opposition have made a series of spending pledges with other people 's money , and pledges to slash the profits of industries that need profits in order to invest .
25 For films that need unusual cityscapes , especially those set in the future or in special situations ( such as extensive destruction ) , miniatures must be made if matte paintings are not sufficiently 3-D and convincing , or do not permit the required camera movement .
26 The two can be used separately — only one line is needed for an ordinary conversation or data transfer — or they can be used together for applications that need a lot of line capacity , a videoconference call , for example .
27 If you have been making love horizontally in bed for years and need something new to make sex more varied , Stade Français could be the answer .
28 Peop they 're like they 're like umbrellas that need unfolding and people say oh they 'll spread out and they 'll develop foliage well there 're similar sorts of trees on Castlegate and they 've been there about three years they 've done nothing in fact they 're dying .
29 When we fed them before the winter we gave them proper er fertilizer for things that need acid soil .
30 A local volunteer centre or Age Concern group should be able to match up talents with projects that need them .
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