Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] go " in BNC.

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1 I thought , if you 've no objection , I could slip up to town after breakfast and go to one of the big stores , and buy him a really handsome shirt and tie . ’
2 Carry on over the field , go over a stile and cross the right corner of field and go over another stile .
3 Many adults survive the stormy family period of adolescence and go on to form happy and close relationships with their parents .
4 Thinking about language acquisition and skilled language use in terms of the particular forms of information-processing that go on when any linguistic task is being performed , and thinking about language disorders explicitly as patterns of impairments and preservations of different forms of information-processing , thus provides a particularly powerful way of illuminating both normal and disordered linguistic capacities .
5 I call that a restricted international perspective because it does not explain or attempt to explain how production is organized internationally and , to my mind , a theory can not do that unless it says something about the changes in the organization of labour that go along with innovations in machinery , transport , instruments and products .
6 Either therefore insist upon believing in Pacifism as measured by the use of force and go out of politics , or define Pacifism as something emphasising the power of reason and stay in politics .
7 As well as being subjected to extreme temperature changes outside , having to constantly leave a warm room to either make a cup of tea or go to the toilet , for example , meant that they were doubly exposed to cold stress as well as to daily stress .
8 Or are you just going to get a change of gear and go off again on your merry way ? ’
9 A kind of numbness acts as a shell against not only death itself , but against all the implications of loss that go with it .
10 Terms of reference that go beyond these matters will result from discussions between the parties , and probably the expert as well , where it is convenient to have terms of reference separate from procedural directions .
11 Every year , in late October , she would arrive with her annual accounts , and she and Nigel would settle down at the dining-table with a bottle of wine and go through them .
12 It was exciting again , and life was a game of hide and go seek .
13 The second will develop consideration of reproduction and go into the distinction between this concept and that of collective consumption with special consideration of the notion of consumption cleavages .
14 But once he 's grown enough spines it 's hoped he can live in a walled garden — a real case of wash and go .
15 She was too frightened to get out of bed and go to find Victorine .
16 The promptings of my mind told me to get out of computing and go to live in Shropshire on a small dairy farm making highly profitable specialist products such as goat 's milk yoghurt , sheep 's cheese and traditional butter .
17 this is just one of thirty sessions a week for Swindon 's young swimmers … lack of facilities and pool time dictates they start at the crack of dawn and go back for more at dusk …
18 If the Government want to fetch every one of those issues to the Floor of the House , I am quite prepared to do exactly the same , and every day we shall have points of order that go on for half an hour —
19 In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh .
20 ‘ You ca n't expect people to come out of prison and go dashing to the social security — not on the day of their release . ’
21 This awareness goes back a long time , and to Lace it we need to leave the field of folklore and go back into the realms of ancient philosophy .
22 You get all this energy , cross the road , and then you go and have your cup of coffee and go and sit down , and gather yourself back together again .
23 Dip a cotton bud into cuticle-remover and go round each cuticle , then push back with a rubber-tipped hoofstick .
24 If it 's pouring like with rain and go out
25 Assuming that one 's locker and bedspace was satisfactory , the Sergeant would salute and leave the room , meaning that you could get into bed and go to sleep .
26 I always wash my hair with Wash & Go and condition it with Flex conditioner from Revlon .
27 The effect is that anybody here with get-up and go gets up and goes . "
28 Breakfast will only stretch to a cup of coffee unless I get my arse in gear and go to Sainsbury 's .
29 She also said that it was better to eat left-over meat in Lent than go to market and incur debt through buying fish ( 241 , p.128 ) .
30 One project was to literally find out all of the old age pensioners in town and go along as a group of electricians and check all of their appliances for them .
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