Example sentences of "[prep] [art] idea that " in BNC.

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1 So much for the idea that two-tier pricing will somehow be too complicated .
2 ‘ And as for the idea that I am being some how manipulated all I can say is that I do n't know about the other girls but I have been in a similar industry — television , for the last couple of years and now I know how it works .
3 The extra complexity of the second hypothesis may seem a good reason for preferring the first , but in fact any theory of latent inhibition will need to find some place for the idea that associability can change if it is to accommodate the chief conclusions to emerge from Chapter 3 .
4 Several people have claimed the credit for the idea that if the LRDG could pick them up after a raid , it could also deliver them to within easy walking distance of future targets .
5 There is strong support for the idea that excessive pain , expense , and hardship , together with no hope of benefit , may serve as the starting-points — though obviously words such as ‘ excessive ’ need further careful definition .
6 public support for the idea that any actual use of nuclear weapons would violate the international law of war and would constitute a crime against humanity , ;
7 And , finally , why is it that black kids find support for the idea that they have only limited employment opportunities ahead of them , not only from their peers but also from the school ?
8 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
9 On the other hand , their situation is structured , and ( ‘ holism' here standing for the idea that the parts of a whole behave as the whole requires ) we are interested in the social constraints on their actions .
10 And as we might anticipate from Eliot 's distaste for ‘ equality ’ there was no room for the idea that it was possible to educate the masses : ‘ There is no doubt that in our headlong rush to educate everybody , we are lowering standards … destroying our ancient edifices . ’
11 As inspirational pronouncement rather than an operational blueprint , not only did it give expression to and authority for the idea that a fairer , juster society should be created , as the inalienable rights of man required ; but more , it asserted that thanks to machinery powered by steam it could be .
12 As for the idea that scallops might be cooked in one minute and no more , that old chef was genuinely outraged by it .
13 To come closer to our present concern , there is no more hope for the idea that a certain determinism is false because we do not aspire to prove it , but rather proceed in several alternative ways , including probabilistic ways , on the assumption of its truth .
14 Modern audiences — I can hear Letterman saying this — wo n't go for the idea that Claudia , who is in some senses — although we ‘ re not spelling this out , okay — a new woman , would take part in the killing of lions for a documentary .
15 This study does not , however , offer any support for the idea that diabetic patients looked after exclusively in primary care have worse glycaemic control and therefore a poorer prognosis .
16 The hon. Gentleman need not think that there is any military support for the idea that in the past the Navy has argued for a three-boat solution , and he will be given a very rough time by the Navy if he makes such a suggestion .
17 There was also wide support for the idea that each qualification should have a clearly-specified number of credits .
18 There is some evidence in Africa for the idea that uplift may precede volcanism since the Adamawa dome in the Cameroon region , which rises to elevations in excess of 2000 m , lacks evidence of recent volcanic activity .
19 The British public is increasingly distrustful of industry on environmental issues and there is rising support for the idea that " the polluter pays " , according to Bob Worcester , chairman of market research firm MORI , which has been tracking attitudes to the environment since 1969 .
20 For the idea that a lawyer could be appointed to act as a legal expert to decide all types of disputes arising under a contract , see 6.9.3 .
21 And then , almost overnight , energised and full of enthusiasm for the ideas that had emerged from our long discussions of the research evidence ’ .
22 Admirers claim that the Thatcher governments have vanquished much conventional wisdom of the 1970s , such as the idea that the British were ‘ ungovernable ’ , that the unions ran the country , or that there was a ‘ British disease ’ .
23 This view appears disarmingly general but widely acceptable when it is stated as the idea that any economy has to be seen as only one part of a structured world system .
24 I think these concepts will come to seem as natural to the next generation as the idea that the world is round .
25 This phrase is crucially ambivalent between the idea that they are constant because they are necessary and the idea they are necessary only in the tenuous sense that they are reliable because constant .
26 There is a logical gap between the idea that there is a leading edge in scientific activity , and the view that a set of journals can model that leading edge .
27 Davidoff et al ( 1976 ) in a seminal paper , made connections between the idea that home is the ideal setting for women 's lives and the supposition that rural villages are ideal contexts for community life in a wider setting .
28 That book is all about the idea that the world is divided into the ordinary and the extraordinary , and that the extraordinary should n't have to live by the dictates of the mediocre majority .
29 In the next Conservative government , Edward Heath was so lukewarm about the idea that between 1970 and 1973 only nine political knighthoods were awarded , provoking complaints of knight starvation .
30 Some people get very upset about the idea that there might be any causes operating in the social world ; they fear that causal influences on human action rob people of their freedom of choice and dignity of action .
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