Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] all " in BNC.

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1 On my first acquaintance with the mad little road , in about 1950 , I had no feelings of affection for it nor any eye for the beauty all around , my gaze being fixed on the tarmac ahead as I dragged weary legs along it .
2 He must prepare for payment all accounts due from the local authority and must in his turn , collect for the authority all sums due from time to time to the local authority particularly in regard to the collection of rates .
3 A light touch and not even a mouse could have scuttled through that ballroom without setting off the alarm all over the house — and the city .
4 He grabbed it and held it before his face and in doing so spilled most of the powder all over the front of his fancy tweed jacket .
5 To most westerners it may appear as a mere decorative embellishment reflecting the ubiquitous presence of the Cobra all over India , or possessing some remote significance in terms of local superstition or religious belief .
6 I was just thinking how this feels incredibly … atmospheric , ’ she heard herself admitting reluctantly , waving an arm to encompass the satiny darkness of the sea all around them , ‘ I was thinking of the ghosts of all those Spanish galleons which met a sticky end in these very waters , hundreds of years ago , ’ she added , with a touch of melodrama which made him laugh out loud .
7 They stood with rigid tension listening to the brooding silence of the jungle all around them .
8 This missions , chaplaincies and institutions of the diocese all combined generously to provide the necessary money , grants were secured from SPG and from SPCK , and in just over two years the new building was raised , waiting for the foundation stone to be laid during the opportune visit of the Metropolitan of Calcutta , the Most Reverend Foss Westcott , son of the famous biblical scholar and bishop of Durham .
9 They followed her pointing arm with their eyes , and were chilled to see a group of thin figures form out of the darkness all around , shambling towards the group of tired combatants .
10 At the Council in the Marches of Wales the Queen 's Attorney , the Queen 's Solicitor , the Clerk of the Council , and the Clerk of the Signet all held by life patents .
11 He says someone people can go through the experience of the crash all over again and it 's very frightening .
12 Once the beer can had been invented , that is evolved , in one place , it was inevitable that it would eventually take the place of the bottle all over the world , though the process is still going on .
13 Mrs Thwaites and I followed the path made in the snow by the animals and managed to get out of the dale all right .
14 Whoever killed Charlie Hatton knew the lie of the land all right . ’
15 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
16 On March 31st Argentina minister of the economy , his deputy , the governor of the central bank and the secretary of the treasury all resigned .
17 The stillness , the cool , the quiet of the building all combined to produce an effect that was overwhelming and gave rise to a feeling of expectation .
18 If I did n't think you 'd go blabbing your side of the story all over town , I 'd have you out of my house in two shakes . ’
19 I would now ask for very small helpings , eat perhaps a mouthful , and then smear the rest of the food all over the plate , hiding the residue underneath an upturned fork .
20 Unless we start pasting bits of the script all over the set .
21 Provided they 've not been out of the job all that long , I think , cos things change , do n't they ?
22 Smooth the interlining back and tack the outer edges of bump to the sides of the curtain all around .
23 It 's the business of the target all over again .
24 At the end of the match all he could do was criticise Leeds , saying they should have attacked more , and at least scum had class/flair .
25 He was wrapped in so much of the duvet all she could see was the top of his head .
26 She came up with the wonderfully whacky idea of the Cabinet all being drug smugglers . ’
27 To the extent that spiritual and temporal functions were united in the same house , by the same blood , the union would be doubly consecrated , doubly sanctified , and the unity of the nation all the more hallowed .
28 The fact that he could do nothing about it made Burun 's enjoyment of the situation all the sweeter .
29 It was like a concentration camp ; the absurd vulnerability of the nakedness all around , the screws ' blank expressions as they monitored the shuffling of the caged .
30 The emancipation of women , the unsettling social effect of the First World War and some increase in education for the majority of the population all made for revision of opinions and attitudes , towards sex as towards other matters .
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