Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] teacher " in BNC.

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1 The academic disciplines of linguistics , psychology , sociology , and education provide the essential bearings for the professional teacher both in the ideas they generate and in their processes of enquiry , and it is the task of applied linguistics ( whose name belies its scope ) to make the insights these disciplines offer accessible for appraisal and application .
2 Devising programmed sequences in general proved very much trickier for the average teacher than was perhaps originally predicted , and the variations in curricula and in the subject-matter taught in different establishments revealed as over-optimistic ( certainly in the UK ) some early prophecies , which saw great blocks of time in the average school taken up by individual work with teaching programmes .
3 For the assistant teachers , the lesson visits were of crucial importance .
4 But in reality there is little or no training for the assistant teacher 's role in school management .
5 The book functions equally well as a resource for the experienced teacher , and as a handbook for those looking for guidance on how to use the role-play technique .
6 Edith qualified at the very first Medau Society Teachers ' Examination in 1955 , and carried on developing classes in Essex , all the time making openings for the new teachers who were beginning to emerge .
7 I know it is hard for those of you travelling a long way , but it is very disconcerting for the poor teacher to have a steady trickle of latecomers all through the lesson — particularly when most of the latecomers are not the people who have travelled furthest !
8 The hazards for the individual teacher in such exercises are considerable in that he is unlikely to be equally knowledgeable , or equally enthusiastic , in all these fields .
9 For the visiting teacher it was one of access .
10 Supervising a group of learners throughout the whole of their training is very satisfying for the clinical teacher .
11 Where there is close liaison between ward teachers and the school of nursing , and where ward experience is part of a planned programme , this information will be available from previous teaching ; but where these conditions do not exist it is necessary for the clinical teacher to carry out her own checks with the students before the teaching can be planned .
12 And er Ivy got married and she stopped the teaching and died just that same year and then there was the a change for the both teachers .
13 Within the framework established by the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 for the head teacher to be in overall control of discipline in a school ( taking account of the governors ' policy on discipline ) , the law is content to allow teachers much discretion in the enforcement of school rules and application of sanctions .
14 It is possible to overdo the effect and for the appearance of the reception area to become something of an ‘ ego trip ’ for the head teacher .
15 This course is very widely available and it is pitched at the right level for the medical teacher .
16 The following pages describe an exciting and comprehensive set of resources for the busy teacher , with materials specially designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of teaching contexts and approaches .
17 It was no coincidence that the majority of the French delegates were members of the little-known Le Societe Pereire , which sought to recognise Pereire as the first teacher of the deaf in that country — Pereire being a man who practised teaching by the oral method .
18 Of these classes , perhaps the most significant was the one established in April 1881 in Leeds with the local missioner Joseph Moreton as the first teacher .
19 The Act goes on to define ‘ the responsible person ’ as the head teacher or designated governor .
20 Robbie come as the head teacher and er there was a Miss that was er the pupil teacher .
21 Four elements of interest and influence need to be weighed against each other , namely the effect of the parent as the educator who is helped by the school , the school as the institutional teacher who is helped by the parent , the school as the manager and decider ( with the parent being kept informed ) and the school itself as the only " real " provider of education .
22 Betty was previously on the Executive Committee for 13 years as the Qualified Teachers ' Representative .
23 It suggests that the difference between the successful teacher and the successful researcher is that the teacher is a failed researcher .
24 She then asked Margaret Charlwood to talk about the Potential Teachers ' Day on 9th July .
25 When parents needed someone outside the family with whom to share a problem , the school ( usually through the head teacher ) provided ‘ the human face ’ .
26 When teachers ask what librarians can offer in pupil.guidance , chartered librarians often retort that their own knowledge of children 's literature greatly exceeds that of the average teacher ( usually strikingly untutored in such matters ) , and when self-styled educational technologists wonder what a librarian can tell a student about a filmstrip , the retort in recent years has been prompt , and along the same lines .
27 A large percentage of the untrained teachers are in the non-government sector .
28 The Essex project was , after all , mounted on an assumption of an existing perspective of the professional teacher whose sense of duty and/or good will made attendance at committee meetings , the lunchtime opening of the library and so on , reasonable expectations .
29 The " war of methods " between these rival schools of thought developed from the different convictions of the early teachers .
30 She studied history at St Hugh 's College , Oxford — early days for a woman — and knew Lewis Carroll , and was taught by one of the best teachers then in the historical school at Oxford , a future Master of Balliol , A. L. Smith , upon whom she always looked back with gratitude .
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