Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] species in " in BNC.

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1 list , to the extent that in many instances the weights recorded for each species in the two lists are quite different .
2 Birds in which the male and female looked very different were often classified as different species in nineteenth century bird books ; and the same happened with certain species of orchids which have flowers of different kinds , sometimes bafflingly on the same plant .
3 Drude attempted to depict the relative abundance of each species in an area according to a ranking system with categories ranging from ‘ social ’ ( where a single species formed an overall mass ) down to ‘ scarce ’ .
4 When the flora of fleshy-fruited species in a forest as a whole is examined , as at Cocha Cashu in Amazonian Peru , the fruits of the majority of the species ( in this case , two-thirds of 258 species , representing a quarter of the total flora and half of the genera with fleshy fruits ) seem to fit into one of two categories .
5 These findings show the importance of phospholipid species in biliary pathophysiology and may be useful when trying to manipulate cholesterol carriers and solubility in bile .
6 There are considerable differences in the speed of different species in flight .
7 The second , and the one usually chosen by the authors , is to grow up a mixture of different species in variable numbers until they show signs of pairing and wanting to breed .
8 Such circumstances often arise — in utilising nonhuman animals in biomedical research , for example , or in keeping members of endangered species in zoos .
9 At a meeting of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) in Delhi the Indian tiger was added to the list of endangered species in the famous , or perhaps infamous , IUCN Red Data Book .
10 The preservation movement itself had mixed origins ; the protection of endangered species in reservations or natural parks was urged by writers who wished to preserve stocks for hunting as well as by those who wished to stop the killing altogether .
11 It 's one of a long list of endangered species in a 2 hour Central Documentary tonight .
12 All these species have been affected by oil pollution which , while not always severe , is nearly always present and may have caused marked declines of some species in recent years .
13 of the West European population of this species in addition to 3.8 per cent .
14 The young were free flying , and the future status of this species in Sussex will be strongly influenced by this population .
15 But provided there are not many plants of this species in the tank , then there is very little danger of its effects on the fish .
16 As well as being the biggest flock of this species in our region for almost 20 years , it is the first report anywhere on our coast since the above-average influx last autumn .
17 For instance , between 1972 and 1982 I caught 35392 hoverflies of 89 species in the Malaise trap , but seven species accounted for more than two-thirds of the catch and 35 species were each represented by fewer than 10 individuals .
18 Frugivorous birds , by eating fruits of preferred species in preferred proportions , co-ordinate the dispersal of particular species , so that in the long run , the birds will modify their habitats in terms of the nutritional configuration or the spatial arrangement of the local fruiting plants .
19 The combination of climatic factors results in late flowering of many species in relation to their counterparts elsewhere .
20 The desert tortoise is one of many species in the protected area .
21 If you have greenhouse or coldframe , a wise insurance policy it to root cuttings of susceptible species in July and over-winter these under glass just in case the parents do n't make it through a bad winter .
22 There is some evidence from other recent studies , however , that acidity may be a factor in the decline of amphibian species in eastern North America .
23 The Secretary can not , however , allow the incidental take of any species in danger of significant depletion or extinction .
24 Although many parasites can probably attack a variety of related species in the initial development of the relationship , the parasite fine tunes its metabolism as the symbiosis progresses and may eventually adapt to a single species of the host .
25 My earlier studies of fish and birds were now extended to mammals and I ended up as the curator of the largest collection of mammalian species in the world — at the London Zoo .
26 Provides postgraduate training in fundamental and applied aspects of the origins , fate and behaviour of chemical species in aquatic , atmospheric , terrestrial and biotic media .
27 He has seen a rise in the numbers of wild species in the area , including butterflies and birds snipe , curlew , green plover , skylark , merlin and kestrel .
28 When , for example , colonies of bacterial species in a laboratory were deprived of a certain kind of amino acid needed for growth , they produced mutant strains capable of producing their own amino acids .
29 Detailed results are given under individual species in the Systematic List and the numbers are very large .
30 Pentremites is a large genus with many species in limestone of Carboniferous age , particularly in the Mississipian limestones of North America .
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