Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] sort of " in BNC.

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1 I think that 's the problem with degrees , they 're all very specialized , and they do n't give a lot of scope for broad sort of study .
2 Not that you 'd know about that sort of feeling , would you ?
3 I want to say very generally that we have to avoid thinking about that sort of clash as an impossible dilemma , a blank , unintelligible conflict , a tribal row between unrelated moral principles each espoused by a separate group — a dispute that can only be settled by tribal warfare .
4 We have all we want to know about that sort of thing and anyway it is not my job .
5 ‘ But then teenagers often do n't talk to their parents about that sort of thing .
6 You must have read plenty about that sort of thing in the papers these days .
7 ‘ It put me right up in the mood again , I 'd forgotten about that sort of intensity .
8 But of course , this was no time to start worrying about that sort of thing .
9 I do not need to agonise about that sort of discontinuity of experience .
10 Both these , of course , also have underneath the pattern of the blueprint detective story and all that we have seen about that sort of book applies to the backgrounder , though perhaps with less rigour .
11 ‘ I know about that sort of smell .
12 ‘ Ace , be very sure about that sort of need .
13 Down here they 're Catholics ; bit more relaxed about that sort of thing . ’
14 ‘ Jean does n't give a damn about that sort of thing , ’ he growled , ‘ and nor do I. ’
15 I can understand that obviously we 've got to be cautious about that sort of thing .
16 ‘ Charlotte 's fearfully clever about that sort of thing , always was , even when we were all kids . ’
17 Later , when people got squeamish about that sort of thing , they substituted cats — a dozen or so live cats tied up in a sack .
18 I mean God knows , I 'm the last person in the world to worry about that sort of thing , but there does come a point in your career where you have to think about it .
19 ‘ Well , I do n't know owt about that sort of thing , but it seems rum to me , ’ he said .
20 ‘ But Sophia , would people here care about that sort of thing ? ’ said Penelope doubtfully .
21 It 's published by IDG Books Worldwide , Inc. and ( if you care about that sort of thing ) the text is printed on recycled paper !
22 But there 's no need for you to think about that sort of thing , ’ Mr Hellyer said .
23 The club was liberal about that sort of thing in the old days apparently .
24 I think the I think you will be talking about that sort of order .
25 ‘ But we would n't argue too much about that sort of thing , would we ? ’
26 I mean he 's been known to do that because he you know what is going to happen with him commercially in his newspapers and he 's actually very clever and I mean none of us I mean okay and I think Peter might be the but I can get quite upset or intense or distressed or whatever the word is about that sort of stuff , because I am my background is journalism and I 'm quite pure about it , but we 're living in reality times here and the reality times is that he has got certain agendas .
27 Right okay well mm , yeah Jenny 's , Jenny 's quite good about that sort of thing , she seems to be er be quite on the ball about who 's handed in what erm
28 It 's interesting though that that you talked about that sort of identifying with the old companies , even in the nationalization days .
29 The other rib , of beef I mean , to get a piece that 's worth cooking cos to carve it and everything else you need at least three ribs and the ribs are sort of usually it 's about that sort of size
30 Well , my , my memory right , you go down into , into like a , the ground floor and the top of the , like the bottom of the next floor is about that sort of height , but there is a wall up there sort of thing , which erm , I , I must , which you could probably get on .
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