Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] found he " in BNC.

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1 The outbreak of war found him in Australia where , with his teacher 's patronage , he was attending a meeting of the British Association as secretary of the anthropology section .
2 The outbreak of war found him a colonel of fifty-eight , who had never served abroad .
3 Breakfasting at Bradfield Hall on one occasion , the agriculturalist Duke of Bedford found him surrounded by pupils from Russia , France , America , Naples , Sicily and Portugal .
4 He was very fluent , very funny and lots of women found him attractive .
5 The Prussian ambassador who had thought Nicholas sanguine about the stability of his regime in February found him anything but relaxed in March .
6 So he made a couple of phone calls to Osnabrück-he found he 'd been given a room with an Engineer regiment-then sipped a lager until train time .
7 A night without sleep found him red-eyed and haggard .
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