Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] until [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I waited there for hours until His Grace came .
2 He then dressed in her clothes and paraded around the campus for hours until he was arrested .
3 No vines may be brought into production for Champagne until they have attained their ‘ third leaf ’ , that is to say , when they are three years old .
4 Continue rolling for damage until you fail to slay the target or run out of ranks , deducting -1 from the strength for each rank already pierced .
5 Continue rolling for damage until you fail to slay the target or run out of ranks .
6 She thought that would be a safe subject for conjecture until they reached the office and went to their separate corners .
7 It 's hard to believe such great fishing could be such good value for money until you try it yourself .
8 Around this grew a small village of woodcutters and stonemasons ' cottages and the hamlet led its isolated existence for centuries until it was eventually abandoned .
9 The temple sits some fifty feet down in its own huge sandpit , buried for centuries until someone tripped over what turned out to be the top of a pillar .
10 Indeed , the Camilla tape lay dormant in British newsrooms for months until it was published overseas and widely circulated in Britain .
11 He stood mesmerized by a giant wave , shooting picture after picture until it came right over and dragged him out .
12 Once the series of movements has been learned , the student is expected to go away and practise it day after day until he can execute each technique flawlessly and without thinking .
13 ‘ He ( Burke ) dashed into the blazing furnace with reckless abandon , making trip after trip until he had rescued many persons .
14 He worked from the root , soaking strand after strand until her whole head was covered in the gritty concoction .
15 And my favourite fantasies were of walking across country after country until I reached some strange place no one had ever visited .
16 This was especially heinous , as items charged for were often put back into stock to be ‘ sold ’ time after time until they wore out .
17 In February it was unanimously agreed that Sir Denys should continue as boss until he reached the retirement age of 62 , making him the longest-serving chairman since Sir Paul Chambers , who ran — and dominated — the company from 1960 to 1968 .
18 A child putting a straw into each of the bottles in the crate will not know whether he has enough straws for bottles until he has distributed them one-to-one .
19 No , you ca n't petition for divorce until your first wedding anniversary has passed .
20 If the rate goes higher than your ‘ safe ’ calculation , stop frequently to rest during exercise until you are fitter .
21 A proposal for a larger fund worth US$700,000,000 to ensure the safety of Soviet-built nuclear power stations failed to win approval reportedly because of Japanese opposition to any additional funds for Russia until its claim on the Kurile islands was resolved [ see pp. 39003-04 ] .
22 ‘ I would be hesitant about forecasting a recovery for Pentos until we 've heard what the Budget brings in March , ’ commented William Cullum , retail analyst at Panmure Gordon .
23 Cover and cook for 5–6min until they are very soft but not brown .
24 In the Far East it is said that a girl is not eligible for marriage until she can cook a perfect bowl of rice .
25 Caroline 's comment : Faith is right to think that breast or formula milk is the best choice for Jake until he 's a year old although cow 's milk can be given from six months .
26 ‘ I wo n't put myself forward for England until I have successfully played for Lazio .
27 Sula was by birth a Manghutt princess , and she had lived under sentence of banishment until her son 's accession to the Dragon Throne for her part in her family 's attempt to install him as Kha-Khan while his grandfather Arjun yet ruled .
28 Is that significantly different from zero right , well you just go down the right hand column in degrees of freedom until we reach thirty .
29 Continue to fry with the onion for a couple of minutes until it begins to absorb the oil .
30 ‘ The Wing Commander wo n't do that of course until we 're all ready inside the block .
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