Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] from about " in BNC.

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1 He had to prepare them for the study of Old English ( Anglo-Saxon ) , Middle English ( that is , the language and literature of England from about 1200 until 1450 , including Chaucer ) and all the remaining periods of English literature up to the Victorian period .
2 I was told , back in those days , that he had built a working steam model of the locomotive to go with the coaches , but this must have left the district some years earlier , as my father never saw it , and never met John Griffiths , though he knew of Ernest from about 1910 , having started his articles in that office .
3 The Philistines were a people organised into a federation of five city states , who ruled over parts of Palestine from about BC 1175 .
4 A variety of one to one and a half metre lengths of rope from about 6mm to 12mm should be taken , plus some tape lengths and a rack of tie-offs .
5 The most important changes , however , have resulted from the live coverage of proceedings from about 3.10 till 4.50 pm every Tuesday and Thursday and longer on some occasions .
6 Some are sailing clubs , aiming to attract new members by running beginners ' courses over a number of weekends , with charges from about £20 to £70 .
7 Over the last year it has dealt with enquiries from about 450 former service personnel .
8 Air Canada even initiated a regatta in its name , with representatives from about 20 companies taking park .
9 The 488 delegates , including representatives from about 50 opposition groupings , met in Cotonou on Feb. 19-28 .
10 In the St John Nepomuk Chapel are paintings and frescos by V. V. Reiner from about 1730 .
11 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
12 Scott went into informal architectural partnership with Cecil Pinsent , with whom he shared a flat in Florence from about 1909 .
13 We can conclude that French woodwinds were being used in England from about 1675 , when they were apparently introduced by the Hotteterres , and were still being played there by leading musicians through the first quarter of the 18th century .
14 Counties ranged in population from about 2 million ( Lancashire ) to less that 30,000 ( Rutland ) ; county boroughs ranged from over 1 million ( Birmingham ) to 33,000 ( Canterbury ) — less than the minimum population stipulated in 1888 .
15 This relatively rapid linguistic change in Belfast has accompanied its rise in population from about 120,000 in 1860 to nearly half a million in the early years of this century , and Belfast may be taken as an exemplar of linguistic change in fast-growing communities ( while rural towns and villages adhere to older patterns ) .
16 Browne resided in Brenchley from about 1615 to 1635 , then in Horsmonden .
17 A partial age immunity operates in pigs from about four months of age onwards , and this , coupled with the fact that the worms themselves have a limited life-span of several months , would suggest that the main source of infection is the highly resistant egg on the ground , a common characteristic of the ascaridoids .
18 The contraceptive pill became available in Britain from about 1962 .
19 The Time of Troubles had further weakened their position , and as the Duma swelled in size from about 30 in the 1620s to almost 180 in the 1680s , the old families found themselves dissolving among the parvenus .
20 These usually circular or oval grass covered wall foundations occur all over the island and vary in size from about ten feet to forty feet in diameter and can be found alone or in small groups .
21 Characteristically , they ranged in size from about 1,000 to 4,000 people in the early years of Victoria 's reign , but the ones that were administrative , legal or ecclesiastical centres as well as market towns were sometimes larger than that .
22 Varying in size from about 30 to 150 , these teams can draw on the expertise of support groups dealing with specific areas such as material composition and structure , analysis and measurement , property characterization , electrochemical technology , process engineering and so on .
23 Diplomatic sources said Syria had increased its troops in Lebanon from about 30,000 to 45,000 since Mr Hrawi 's election .
24 Diplomatic sources said Syria had increased its troops in Lebanon from about 30,000 to 45,000 since Mr Hrawi 's election .
25 For example , it could be argued that a boom and slump lasting in total from about 1790 to 1840 was initiated by the Industrial Revolution 's typical innovations ( cotton spinning and weaving ; new methods of iron production ; steam power ) ; that from the mid-1840s a new boom was generated by the development of railways which initiated a fifty-year cycle ; that from the 1890s a new boom and long cycle stemmed from electrification .
26 The typical Lincolnshire windmill was the brick-built tapering towermill which varied in height from about fifty feet to ninety feet and was surmounted by an ogee cap carrying four to eight sails and also the fantail .
27 In mid-metaphase , mouse chromosomes range in length from about 2 to 5 μm .
28 It was established by Sir William Pelham , who began to purchase land in Lincolnshire from about 1565 .
29 Researchers in Birmingham and Aarhus in Denmark have found a protein called LMP , produced by the virus and thought to be involved in the cancer , in cells from about half of a sample of 84 tumours from patients with Hodgkin 's disease .
30 Being so fleet-footed , and tough-minded , has enabled Corning 's managers to raise the company 's return on equity from about 8% in 1983 to 15% in 1990 .
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