Example sentences of "[noun sg] still stand in " in BNC.

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1 The big house ( Brigade H.Q ) was also deserted , the transport and the staff had just left , except the jeep still standing in the driveway .
2 The Ostrich Inn still stands in the ancient village of Colnbrook near Slough .
3 The mill building still stands in the shadow of the dam wall , well maintained and now used for storage , its machinery and water wheel removed many years ago .
4 Mary would work like a slave , but a woman could not take the animals to market , though he knew of widows living alone , soldiers ' wives mostly , who farmed on in a rough way by themselves , their cattle straying and mixing with the herds of others , their oats still standing in November …
5 In southern Italy and its islands about 600,000 hectares of trees — or about a third of the modest total still standing in those desiccated landscapes — disappeared between 1860 and 1911 .
6 The only thing still standing in town was the gallows .
7 Perhaps some wore jackets this time and perhaps some restaurants pampered their customers with radiant ceiling heating slanting down on their open galleries , but the Tivoli lights still swung as gently in the trees , the musicians played as sweetly , and the Pantominteatret still stood in all its glory , its magnificent ‘ curtain' of a peacock with fan-shaped tail unfurled waiting dramatically against a sky of indigo velvet for the second performance of the evening .
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