Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [be] trace " in BNC.

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1 Such reasoning can be traced down to the present day , although there are variations on the theme .
2 I suggest that the effect can be traced , experimentally , to a resonance effect known in physics as cyclotron resonance .
3 Indeed much of the weakness of recent educational research can be traced to a failure to take account of such factors .
4 Its origin can be traced back to the Sumerians and Babylonians .
5 The genesis of this right to compensation can be traced to the protracted debate which took place within the Standard Advisory Committee on Patents in the wake of the Department of Trade 's publication in 1975 of a White Paper on the future of patent law .
6 This view of capitalist management can be traced back to Marx 's conception of the individual capitalist as the mere ‘ personification of capital ’ .
7 The 1974 reorganisation of the NHS was guided by similar views and several themes of the new public management can be traced back to the Fulton Report on the Civil Service published in 1968 .
8 Consider , though , a case in which a given enterprise is unwilling to invest because of low expected profitability , yet this low prospective profitability can be traced neither to faulty managerial calculations , nor to foreign competition of a kind justifying protection , nor to the failure of an identified ‘ need ’ for the enterprise 's product to register as monetary demand , nor to internal competition from other enterprises operating a more intensive exploitation of labour .
9 This instrument was known to Ptolemy in the second century AD , and — the underlying mathematical theory of stereographic projection can be traced back at least to Ptolemy 's great predecessor Hipparchus ( second century BC ) .
10 The germ of several measures whereby Britain ( and other states ) might receive assistance can be traced back to at least the autumn of 1938 .
11 The authoritarian philosophy can be traced back to sixteenth-century England , where strict controls were imposed on the publication of what were regarded by the king and his advisers as seditious pamphlets and journals .
12 The history of the mill can be traced back to 1710 but quite possibly there may have been an older mill on the same site .
13 It is now recognised by staff that much of the apprehension and anxiety can be traced back to lack of communication and Wilson-Barnett ( 1988 ) discusses the development of different approaches to rectify the situation , drawing distinctions between information-giving , patient teaching or education , and counselling .
14 As the modern term for this genre the word fabliau can be traced back to scholarly writing of the seventeenth century .
15 In some cases aggression can be traced back to incidents which happened in the puppy 's past .
16 The Donnington site can be traced back to at least 1291 , when it was one of the two mills of the Manor of Broadwell .
17 In suggesting ways in which the shifting structures of repetition and difference can be traced , what it has attempted to do is to open up some new contexts , both theoretical and institutional , in which texts and genres can be thought , and to reopen some old points of difficulty which still serve as sticking-points against the slide into accommodation .
18 But a closer examination has convinced me that , alien though Hugh 's thought was to the main stream of Anselm 's , an influence of some importance can be traced .
19 I have stressed the view that Dicey 's importance can be traced to his role both in codifying certain ideas and in adapting the analytical method to public law .
20 This process can be traced back until we arrive at a single cell which was formed at the moment of conception by the fusion of two parental germ cells , i.e. one egg and one sperm cell .
21 The origins of UAPT-Infolink plc can be traced back to a group of traders meeting in coffee houses to exchange their personal experience of bad debtors .
22 The development of the FEL can be traced back to 1950 , when Hans Motz injected 3 MeV electrons from the Stanford linear accelerator ( linac ) into a magnetic undulator , producing millimetre and submillimetre radiation .
23 Around and within this notion a constant play with gender , nationality , self , age , and maturity can be traced .
24 Their ancestry can be traced in the Reading area as far back as 1240 .
25 Other breeds have colour-pointed varieties such as the White Galloway and White Welsh , but these are colour varieties within their breeds rather than separate breeds and quite often their non-standard colour can be traced back to crossings with White Park or British White in the past .
26 For instance , difference theorists dislike the implication that everything about women 's behaviour can be traced simply to their subordination , and this resistance has a lot to recommend it .
27 Surprisingly , the turning point that saw a struggling business transformed into a trendsetting group that has become a household name can be traced back to a Dutch merchant banker , who persuaded Conran to widen his horizons .
28 The suggestive outlines of a hierarchy of disdain can be traced : the ‘ tragic Garbo ’ is preferred to Mickey Rooney , Betty Boop to Donald Duck ; their most acerbic denunciations are reserved not for ‘ amusement ’ or ‘ light ’ art in themselves , but for the attempt by the Culture Industry to absorb ‘ light ’ into ‘ serious art ’ , accommodating difference to the familiar — ‘ Benny Goodman appears with the Budapest string quartet ’ .
29 Variations in the source characteristics of Labrador Sea Water can be traced across the North Atlantic , with a circulation time of 18–19 years between the Labrador Sea and Rockall Trough .
30 The fact that such an ‘ Expressive Revolution ’ is not unrelated to other , much more obviously parricidal ones , and that all of these insurrections against cultural restraint can be traced to childhood failures in the acquisition of the superego is nicely illustrated by an Italian terrorist who , having put his revolutionary ideology into practice by murdering seventeen people and kidnapping an American general , justified his activities at his trial by proudly explaining that ‘ My challenge began from the school benches of Centocelle [ his home town ] .
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