Example sentences of "[noun sg] will [not/n't] take " in BNC.

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1 Anya will not take kindly to these developments .
2 The trainer believes he still has time to get Rodrigo de Triano back to peak fitness for the 2,000 Guineas but stresses that the colt will not take his place in the Classic if the ground softens up : ‘ If there is even a touch of soft , he wo n't run ; he needs to have it like a road . ’
3 But the sun will not take notice
4 If the Operator terminal is in use , the Offline System will try to access it several times in quick succession ; if it remains unavailable the Offline run will not take place and a message reporting the situation will be sent via the mail system to the Offline Manager .
5 The gaolers of Holovich reneged on the agreement , the exchange will not take place .
6 Only if that background is established can we be assured that abuse will not take place in future either in Leicestershire or in other counties .
7 Some district societies also want an assurance that the Institute will not take on additional regulatory responsibilities without consulting the membership : some go as far as urging it to oppose any future legislation to extend statutory regulation of members ' activities .
8 Older children who are beyond control and difficult or delinquent will not take easily to substitute homes and will often cause a good deal of trouble there .
9 In the light of the extremely poor showing at the Park Lane Hotel Silver and Jewellery Fair over the last two years , the event will not take place this February .
10 I hope that , that the assembly will not take this addendum and then I hope the two boards concerned will take on the issue as Mr suggested .
11 They drive one into the bark as they utter the wish , which has been properly formulated , with the conventional phrases of worship and respect , so that the loa deep inside the tree will not take offence and will grant what they wish .
12 On applications for pre-action discovery the court will not take into account limitation defences unless the prospective plaintiff 's claim is bound to be time barred ( Harris v Newcastle-upon-Tyne Health Authority [ 1989 ] 1 WLR 96 ) .
13 If Mr Kinnock 's voice is beginning to grate a little after less than a month 's campaigning , is there a risk that the populace as a whole will not take to his Welsh lilt , should he get into Number 10 ?
14 In this particular organisation planning will not take a major role because the system is already well-defined and should operate in the same way on a day-to-day basis .
15 The mutiny will not take place .
16 Pure Na-albite will not take up any of the rhodizonate stain .
17 In the words of Leolin Price , QC : ‘ All that is needed in any particular matter is to show that some individual Member State will not take government action at Member State level to achieve what is proposed .
18 And now my family have offered forty-nine cattle to his family , but the government will not take them to give to his family in England . ’
19 I know that a Labour Government will be returned and I am sure that that Government will not take as long as from 1986 to the present time , as this Government have , to do something constructive about changing the law and bringing in legislation that could be enforced throughout the country .
20 I hope no member objects to the recordings , but if anyone does the recording will not take place .
21 I have no wish to tread on the toes of colleagues who have legitimate local interests , but from the national standpoint , I think that it is regrettable that the link will not take that route .
22 Er , if they do n't , the commencement will not take place and we will continue on the existing boundaries , that would , and I 'll give way to my honourable friend in a moment , that of course would create massive inconvenience , I see no er real reason why the other states er which have yet to ratify should not do so er but my honourable friend I think wanted to intervene with a further thought on this point so I give way to her .
23 This means simply that there are actions that the executive will not take because it knows that the assembly will make a huge fuss .
24 And if these patterns , with their changing lexical content , are never experienced except in distorted or fragmented form , the necessary accommodation will not take place .
25 My report will not take er th these into account .
26 If you tell anyone your Personal Number and that person withdraws money from your account , then the Bank will consider that you have given permission to take money from your account and the Bank will not take any responsibility for the loss .
27 But we are determined that bait digging will not take place on Budle Bay and we will rigorously protect it , ’ he said .
28 Examples would be : where the act is not seen , as when the victim is asleep ; where the victim believes that the gun was unloaded ( Lamb [ 1967 ] 2 QB 981 ) ; where the victim knows by the accused 's words that the threat will not take place ( Tuberville v Savage ( 1669 ) 86 ER 684 ; or where the accused could not put his threat into effect : the usual illustrations are shaking a fist while on a non-stop train at a person standing on the platform and doing the same to a person standing on the opposite bank of a fast-flowing and wide river where there is no bridge .
29 The Panel will not take any action until the appeal period of two business days has expired .
30 This public software will not take the form of a turnkey system which can simply be loaded and run .
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