Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be nice " in BNC.

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1 Tea would be nice .
2 No , ordinary tea would be nice , thank you .
3 ‘ A glass of water would be nice . ’
4 A bit of amber nectar would be nice .
5 As he says , even a letter of acknowledgement would be nice .
6 ‘ Incriminating documents in Blenkinsop 's handwriting would be nice , ’ said Milton .
7 ‘ A shirt would be nice . ’
8 ‘ A foursome would be nice , ’ she mused , ‘ and look at it this way , we can be your chaperons . ’
9 A Glasgow chief constable once remarked : ‘ Life would be nice and tranquil in this city if all our citizens behaved as well as the Jewish people . ‘
10 ‘ A wash would be nice , ’ he said .
11 Sherry would be nice , thank you . ’
12 very pretty er calendar would be nice .
13 Now that allowance would be nice if it bore some relationship to what was allowed in the estimated er , figures .
14 Conversation would be nice .
15 We thought the trip would be nice for him , ’ Bella said .
16 Looking ahead , I suppose travel would be nice , if only the opportunity arose and I had the courage to go with it .
17 er dry ginger would be nice
18 A cup of coffee would be nice , I said .
19 Coffee would be nice . ’
20 She squelched through the mud at a half-trot and hoped with all her heart that someone , after all this agony , would be in ; a kind , exceptionally friendly family would be nice ; the elder son could be a brilliant mechanic and would mend her jeep with the proverbial wave of his spanner , the mother could be a fantastic cook .
21 A garage would be nice and as we 've got two cars so although a garage is vital if we as long as we can get them off the road that would be an advantage
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