Example sentences of "[noun sg] have been able " in BNC.

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1 What possible reason would scholars of the distant future have been able to deduce from that verbiage to explain the consumption of vast resources on the Civic Centre in Bucharest — except the desire to perpetuate domination even from beyond the grave ?
2 There were wall-sized French windows through which she would in daylight have been able to see the back garden .
3 Boris Ford thought that Lord Robbins and his Committee had to accept some of the blame ‘ for the ease with which the grey eminences at the Department have been able to enlist radical ministers like Sir Edward Boyle and Mr Crosland in support of policies that are socially and academically reactionary ’ .
4 In comparison to the way in which fraud , obfuscation and inanity have been able to hold out in other fields — from politics and religion to scholarship and law — it is an impressive record .
5 Cloners outside the Sparc International Executive Committee have been able to place orders since August and get at least sample quantities , but they reportedly have had to wait the ‘ industry average ’ of fourteen to eighteen weeks to get volumes .
6 The Committee have been able to smooth out a lot of anxieties on this item , although it is impossible to make everyone happy on such a diverse subject .
7 Since February 22 , passengers buying a cheap day return have been able to get a second ticket for £1 .
8 What I found amazing , to the extent of keeping me occupied combating fluoridation during the past 20 years on a more-than full-time basis , was that the sales promotion experts employed to build the fluoridation bandwagon have been able for so long to lull most scientists and politicians into accepting this method of diluting and dumping waste fluorides at public expense .
9 Even so , it is a pleasing feature of the recent celebrations that the young and mostly confident practitioners of molecular biology have been able to rub shoulders with its inventors — not just with Watson and Crick , but with their mentors , people like Perutz , for example .
10 However , the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland has increasingly been able to give some very substantial grants towards churches , ensuring that churches faced with closure because of a repairs crisis have been able to continue in use .
11 Now I 'm a governor of two schools and from this perspective in particular , I 'm very pleased to see that as a result of the legacy of previous Conservative administration and the generous S S A proposals for this year , that the Conservative group have been able to put forward a budget which enables schools budgets to be increased fully for demography and inflation and certainly I know that was a great worry this year in many of our schools that that might not be possible so it 's good to see that it is possible .
12 Chris has been told by his doctor not to play bass for at least two weeks , but the band have been able to salvage the London show of the tour .
13 Since then chancellors of the exchequer have been able to put together their annual tax plans in relatively favourable circumstances .
14 you know and that 's right because it 's special and I , I really think that you know the U K and perhaps we can world some countries like Sweden and so on because of the high taxation have been able to keep their
15 Yet it is worth pausing at this point to remind ourselves that throughout her years in office , the Prime Minister has not created any new constitutional structures from which she and her Cabinet have been able to benefit .
16 As a result of this , large manufacturers operating a ‘ pull ’ strategy have been able to exercise control over their distributive intermediaries ; such intermediaries could only dismiss demand created through advertising and branding at the risk of losing custom .
17 It is significant however that in Highlander 's history , although the State have been able to revoke their educational charter , the school 's tax-status has never been taken away .
18 The then Conservative Opposition roundly opposed that , and I am delighted that this Conservative Government have been able to correct that smear of dishonour .
19 When I look at the European Community I see foreign policy and internal security pillars and ask myself how well the Government have been able to keep them purely intergovernmental and how many commitments we are making that will damage British interests in the future .
20 ‘ But are you saying that neither we nor the Met have been able to build a case against him ? ’
21 The WYSIWYG that word processors offer has always been based around monospaced fonts because that is all that the computer and printer have been able to cope with .
22 For the past week , with your donations , CARE have been able to mount six airlifts a day to Baidoa and Bardera — two of the towns featured in the Mirror 's shock report .
23 Has my hon. Friend noticed that in recent weeks , as the public have been able to assess our present policies and our future policy offerings , there has been a very sharp and noticeable increase in our opinion poll ratings ?
24 The reclaiming of the trade by the men was nevertheless to become a permanent reality , as an editorial in The Vote had correctly predicted.73 It is possible that if the war had not intervened , the men would in any case have been able to secure the prolonging of the ban on women beyond June 1916 .
25 Most schools given control over their budget have been able to make savings on heating and lighting without much difficulty — savings which should go to education in the classroom .
26 Just for a change the Doctor and his party have been able to relax and unwind awhile after so many strenuous adventures .
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