Example sentences of "[noun sg] she hear the " in BNC.

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1 From inside the wood she heard the cries of ‘ Leu-try , leutry there ! ’ and ‘ Try over , yoi try ! ’
2 Returning to the kitchen she heard the sound of a horse and cart in Celtic Crescent and she went to the front door to look out .
3 In a moment she heard the engine of the Mercedes , and she heard it zoom down the hill with a squeal of tyres .
4 In the distance she heard the faint sounds of voices from the pool , and her dazed eyes rested on the green palm trees out on the terrace , while the dim light of the courtyard shut out the horrors of the morning , and she saw the gleaming white tower of a mosque against the deep sky and the far-off mountains , just as they had looked in the travel brochures .
5 With an ashamed feeling of relief she heard the clop-clop of a horse .
6 On the borders of sleep she heard the sluff of the box being pushed to her bedside .
7 In the background she heard the nasal tones of the latest hit television show , ‘ Sergeant Bilko ’ .
8 In the silence she heard the ticking of the carriage clock .
9 Every time she heard the slightest noise , she found herself glancing towards the archway .
10 Hari moved along the dark passageway and from the kitchen at the back of the house she heard the sound of voices .
11 She fumbled in her pocket for more change but before she could get in it into the coin slot she heard the click .
12 As the kettle came to the boil she heard the back door open and popped her head into the scullery to see her friend Pat Johnstone kicking snow off her shoes .
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