Example sentences of "[noun sg] were likely [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They landed at 0600 hours , unopposed by a German garrison satiated on Christmas fare ; the commando planners picking times for a strike force to land when the enemy were likely to be off-guard .
2 The plain truth is that in such a situation , when the defendant was actually walking away from the scene , no further breaches of the peace were likely to be occasioned by him .
3 Unfortunately those clergy who had so eagerly and diligently defended and justified the war were likely to be engulfed and damaged by the pessimism and disillusion which its failure provoked : pacifism was commonly embraced by the lollards .
4 Yesterday , however , when asked by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , if such a junction were likely to be approved now , Mr Cooksey stated : ‘ Looking at it with today 's knowledge I would have been reluctant to accept it .
5 FRANCE 'S conservatives , poised to win power in next month 's general election , said yesterday that plans to reform the constitution were likely to be delayed .
6 The research also found that children who tended to withdraw following the sibling 's birth were likely to be hostile during the ensuing years and their relationship was often conflictual .
7 Housing , transport and locational problems were clearly of great magnitude , the greatest pressures of land shortage being felt on the periphery , where encroachments into the green belt were likely to be strongly resisted .
8 No coach- or cart-horses , subject to hard work and gross negligence and ignorance were likely to be presented .
9 Michael Liley , the Association Director , has pointed out that important changes were in the offing , and it was important to know what was to happen as the change were likely to be found unpleasant in the trade .
10 ( Industry analysts suggested that prices at this level were likely in the short term only if Libya withdrew supplies in retaliation against Western countries over the current sanctions issue — see p. 38883 — but conceded that the general trend of the market was upwards . )
11 However , other workers who studied the effect of gliclazide in diabetic subjects have felt that the beneficial effects of gliclazide on platelet function were likely to be due to its hypoglycaemic action rather than to any direct effect on haemostatic function ( Paton et al , 1982 b ) .
12 The reason offered for this was that , by definition , a public place was one where the public were likely to be .
13 The Court of Appeal had decided that , where the offence takes place in , there was no reason to require the presence of any bystander , actual or likely , since by definition a public place was a place where the public were likely to be .
14 He called on the international community " to come together to extend and co-ordinate its assistance " and warned delegates that although the Fund intended to adapt existing lending programmes to help those most affected by the crisis , notably the front-line states , oil-importing countries and the new democracies of eastern Europe , the costs of such finance were likely to be prohibitive .
15 Therefore , subjects of study required a broad approach which initially in Shearman 's view were likely to be local history , central government or local government issues .
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