Example sentences of "[noun sg] had been all " in BNC.

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1 The Regent 's force had been all but annihilated .
2 The idea of publication had been all but strangled by the rejection of ‘ The Wreck of the Deutschland ’ .
3 Yet the exchange had been all gain , for this became the happiest , the most rewarding period of his life , when to lose himself utterly in God and His Work was truly to find himself .
4 That was what yesterday afternoon and evening had been all about .
5 By August 1939 it was clear that the respite had been all too brief .
6 Though , since the day the letter came , Kathleen 's nonsense had been all unspoken .
7 An extended parking area has enabled the restoration or eroded downland where formerly the grass had been all but lost to cars .
8 Further , Curtis had informed Grant that the word on the streets was that the recent outbreak of violence and killing had been all about a territorial dispute between rival Triad and Mafia gangs .
9 The Doctor had been all but forgotten by the Chelonians , which suited him perfectly .
10 It showed an elderly couple being given their meal by a uniformed WRVS woman who was asking them if the food had been all right the last time .
11 Anyway , she seemed to cheer up a bit listening to their trite old remarks about it coming to everybody , and after that her mother had been all right and seemed to accept it .
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