Example sentences of "[noun sg] they belong to " in BNC.

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1 Difficult for bread-and-butter manufacturers , never mind the makers of cars so far off the scale ( up to £80,000 for the 600SEL Merc and twice that for the Bentley ) that by any rational thinking they belong to a different era altogether — one without recession , a war just over and all the current uncertainties .
2 Cathy Massiter made it very clear in her television interview that MI5 and Special Branch alone decide who merits a dossier and which group they belong to and can open a file on any person or group of people or organisation they please , put into it anything they like , be it only gossip or hearsay , and once opened the file remains there indefinitely .
3 As so often , it is the monstrous ones that stick in the mind : two gross , splayed pairs of legs about to join the rest of the body they belong to in the maw of two amiable-looking man-eaters ( reminiscent of Oloron ) ; two horribly bent captives , their feet tied by a cord and their heads looking as if they are propped upright on sticks — strange motifs , yet motifs all the same , because they are not unique to Lescar .
4 Where people have value as group members , our lives are not only our own or our immediate families ' ; in one sense they belong to the whole community , therefore each death is a loss to everyone .
5 Now that Lamb has blown the whole affair into the open , Sir Colin must see the cheats are exposed and the door slammed forever on the ball doctors , whichever country they belong to .
6 ‘ Scientific ’ tests for cognition can be conducted not on social groups and individuals as such , with all the political implications that involves , but on a newly constructed , asocial category of ‘ literates ’ and ‘ non-literates ’ , as though the culture they belonged to were incidental .
7 We look forward to his arrival in Britannia again and Boudicca is saving some good legs for him , — in fact they belong to a soldier of the IXth Legion who did n't hear her shout ‘ Get outta the way you stupid git ’ when she was trying her chariot out on the new road .
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