Example sentences of "[noun sg] i saw was " in BNC.

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1 yeah , it was , the bit I saw was that policeman when he goes although those two were up to no good
2 the first piece of Bhimji 's work I saw was at her degree show at Goldsmiths ' College in 1987 .
3 The second I saw was an Alan Ayckbourn , considering that I was only six at the time and I did n't understand some of it I still was enthralled with the acting and enjoyed it almost as equally enough as the panto .
4 The first body I saw was that of a man lying in a gutter in Raouche , his arms wrapped around his face , one leg hooked above the pavement .
5 ‘ I do n't know whether the man I saw was a gardener , ’ said Peggy , shaking her head .
6 The first man I saw was a Daily Mirror photographer and he said , ‘ I 'm surprised to see you here , ' ’ and I said , ‘ I 'm quite surprised myself . ' ’
7 The first man I saw was Simkin .
8 The next thing I saw was Charlie sprinting through the traffic towards them .
9 The next thing I saw was my kite diving away from me , the roar of its engine gradually fading as it plunged earthwards .
10 I am fundamentally lazy and decided that we would inevitably be scrambled so it was less effort to remain in my aircraft and wait for it , helmet on and listening to the R T. The next thing I saw was people running — I still could not hear anything due to my helmet — and on looking round saw the 109s starting their dive on the field .
11 The first thing I saw was a batch of Biggles books , stacked beside several of their Kaiser 's War equivalents , written by a man called Percy F. Westerman .
12 ‘ I think the first thing I saw was the isolation of each .
13 When I came round my head was very bad and the first thing I saw was my father .
14 When I had reached the front , the first thing I saw was Granpa lying on the pavement , his head propped up on a box of apples and his face as white as a sheet .
15 I 'll have to wallpaper your bathroom , then paint it , I then have to touch up the door cos it 's that kind of paint and I had it like , on the top of the loo , I was doing it up a bit , and the next thing I saw was Felix coming onto the back of the wind ah
16 Of a dive that took her 1,250 feet down to the floor of the Pacific , Sylvia Earle said , ‘ The light was faint but , when my eyes adjusted , the world I saw was incredibly beautiful .
17 The first film I saw was The Great Caruso , starring Mario Lanza .
18 The last film I saw was Thelma and Louise .
19 The very first RAF uniform I saw was worn by FIt Lt Wedgwood Benn DSO , DFC — father of Anthony Wedgwood Benn — MP who was the Member of Parliament for Leith when he visited my school .
20 The first flowering plant I saw was a familiar one — the purple mountain saxifrage , Saxafraga oppositifolia to give it the scientific name .
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