Example sentences of "[noun sg] in making the " in BNC.

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1 Happily Lyons himself subsequently used the more moderate opposition in making the important suggestion That formulation makes an interesting link between linguistics and phenomenology which more knowledgeable readers might care to pursue .
2 Fundamentally , therefore , he implies that other factors , or criteria , are of heavier weight in making the classification .
3 Ward objectives will give her guidance in making the most of each allocation .
4 So Phormio 's action in making the alliance , though only a pawn penetration , was an offensive move against Corinth deep in her own , Adriatic , side of the colonial chess-board ; and it was perhaps defensively conceived with an eye to a further-flung Corinthian colony , Syracuse .
5 By a notice of appeal dated 23 April 1992 the Treasury Solicitor appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) on a true construction of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 the court was precluded from making the order for examination ; ( 2 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in making the order and in holding that ( i ) it was possible to interpret section 9(4) of the Act so as not to preclude the order sought , ( ii ) the exclusion contained in section 9(4) was restricted to cases where the actual capacity in which the witness was called on to give evidence was a Crown capacity and that the fact that the evidence sought was acquired in the course of the witness 's employment as a servant of the Crown was not of itself sufficient to bring the case within the exclusion , ( iii ) the fact that the witness was now retired from his position was relevant to the question whether the exclusion in section 9(4) applied , ( iv ) if some other interpretation were possible , it would be unacceptable to approach section 9(4) as requiring the court to refuse to make the order that a witness who was competent and compellable within the United Kingdom should give evidence for foreign proceedings , ( v ) there was nothing in the material sought to be given in evidence which it could have been the policy or intention of the Act to have prevented being explored ; ( 3 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in approaching the question of capacity by concentrating on the position of the witness at the time that the evidence was to be given as opposed to the position of the witness at the time that he acquired the information which was the subject matter of the evidence and the nature content and source of such evidence ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly ignored the fact that the Crown as a party to the Hague Convention was in a position to give effect to it and to provide evidence to foreign courts in accordance with it without recourse to the court ; and ( 5 ) the judge had wrongly approached section 9(4) on the footing that it most likely addressed prejudice to the sovereignty of the state .
6 Thenceforward it was to be taken that Parliament had only conferred the decision-making power on the basis that it was to be exercised on the correct legal basis : a misdirection in law in making the decision therefore rendered the decision ultra vires .
7 McLaren , the 22-year-old Hearts defender , told me recently that when he made his World Cup debut against Italy ( the game where he was asked to mark Roberto Baggio ) , the fact that he 'd been part of the squad at the European Championship finals , as well as playing a couple of games on the tour of North America last year , were of immeasurable assistance in making the step up .
8 ‘ That 's my problem , ’ Hari said firmly , ‘ what I want from you is help in making the shoes , perhaps you could work a few evenings for me ? ’
9 After a delicious dinner , Lady Thorneycroft proposed the Loyal Toast , then the Chairman Lady Walters made a speech thanking her team for all their hard work in making the evening such a tremendous success .
10 Many thanks to all the Area Organisers for their hard work in making the 1986 Recreational Class List available to meet public enquiries in August .
11 There is little point in making the normal 45° and the 30 °/60; ° set squares .
12 There is no point in making the claim because there are no savings in wages given the nature of the contract we have discussed .
13 Self-worth motivated children protect themselves from the risk of failure on a high status task ; they maintain that they could succeed , but see no point in making the effort .
14 My confidence in making the opening statement of this chapter stems not only from scientific fact .
15 There are at least two situations where this is likely to occur : ( 1 ) where the aim in making the investment is to be ready to take advantage of a development if it occurs , and ( 2 ) where the investment is in the latest technology .
16 All social workers involved at least one other person in making the assessment .
17 The higher success rates obtained for Imperial units suggest that out of school experience may well be an important factor in making the associations required .
18 A complicating factor in making the provisions relating t settled property has been the inordinate delay between the time when the intention to impose the tax was announced and the date of its becoming law .
19 But it is unjust that the individual 's right of access to the courts should be restricted solely on the ground that there has been delay in making the application .
20 One aspect of this discretion relates to the time limit for making an application for judicial review under RSC Order 53 : s. 31(6) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 allows the court to refuse leave or to refuse relief if there has been undue delay in making the application and that the granting of relief would , amongst other things , be ‘ detrimental to good administration ’ .
21 These include considerations of the completeness of the system 's coverage and the delay in making the data available .
22 Oh fine , it was just all You got this It was an art in making the band .
23 What is important is the change in conditions of those employments which clearly are of one kind in making the marginal workforce more vulnerable .
24 His design focused on his brilliant performance of the various solos but otherwise filled the stage with authentic steps which played little part in making the action unfold .
25 Well , in our own small way we have decided to play our part in making the taking part more important than anything else .
26 Accidents of history , as much as of geography , had played their part in making the village .
27 The significance this department 's role had on the railways as a whole , and its part in making the name of Wolverton Works known and respected both in the rail and motor industry needs to be recorded .
28 There might be more advantage in making the categories run mid-way across the ten-year groups , giving 25–34 as a group if it is felt that some significant changes take place in people 's lives in their mid-thirties , or at other points in the mid-sections of the decades .
29 Co. , Edward Wood pointed out that the men on the Labour benches , if a little wild at times , performed an invaluable consultative function in making the views of the masses known to the classes .
30 In addition , the stewards handing out the hymn books require alerting and training in their responsibility in making the visitor welcome .
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