Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [num] days " in BNC.

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1 The Bill has been given extensive consideration in another place — a total of about 65 hours , including four days in Committee and three days on Report .
2 They said she had pulmonary embolism and 7 days later , she died .
3 It has come up with a series of proposals in conjunction with City solicitors Davies Arnold Cooper which , it says , could enable judgment to be reached in 38 days in an undefended case and 66 days in a defended case .
4 After a three-week trial and two days of deliberations , the jury yesterday found that Basinger had committed breach of contract and awarded Main Line 8.9m , which included general damages and compensation for the loss of her services .
5 The company is offering Works , Sentry , Courier and AEF together with a year 's support and two days of on-site training and consulting as the Tivoli Start-Up Package priced at $30,000 .
6 Then in 1947 they threw a bomb at the Red Cross cinema and two days later they attacked the Cairo Haifa train .
7 The mean follow-up was 2582 days for the heparin group and 2488 days for the control group , with a maximum follow-up respectively of 2812 and 2677 days after the end of the study .
8 The weather did its best for us , not a drop of rain and four days of glorious cycling in unspoiled countryside , small villages and quiet roads .
9 And equivalent results have come from at least some studies using the conditioned suppression procedure ( e.g. Baker and Mercier ( 1982b ) , who compared intervals of 1 day and 5 days ; Hall and Minor ( 1984 ) , who compared 1 day and 8 days ; but see also Crowell and Anderson ( 1972 ) ) .
10 The news had not reached the papers of news by the next day and thirteen days later came out as :
11 And equivalent results have come from at least some studies using the conditioned suppression procedure ( e.g. Baker and Mercier ( 1982b ) , who compared intervals of 1 day and 5 days ; Hall and Minor ( 1984 ) , who compared 1 day and 8 days ; but see also Crowell and Anderson ( 1972 ) ) .
12 By the 1840s , the Smith brothers had 60 employees , many of them females , working 10 hours per day and 6 days per week .
13 David Leonard , 37 , needed six stitches to his head and two days of hospital treatment after the vicious attack outside Darlington Arts Centre 11 days ago .
14 Undefended cases currently take an average of 60 days in the High Court and 114 days in the County Court , while defended cases take around 100 days in the High Court and 128 in the County Court .
15 ‘ You fill it with water and two days later it is rock hard with the fermentation , but a special valve regulates the process .
16 Although reported second-hand , it is said that one chap who 's $5,000 in the red and 90 days behind with payments got a call from the card company .
17 Guinness I did represent a Pyrrhic victory for the SFO : after six months of evidence and five days of deliberations the jury found all four defendants guilty .
18 Knees buckling , legs trembling like jelly , an undignified scramble down the ice on his ass and two days in a bar throwing down Bourbon .
19 WHERE has thirty eight years , one month and nineteen days gone to ? has it all really happened ?
20 Labour has a more fully developed programme for the long-term unemployed , including three days work a week and two days training .
21 John Henry won his first race for his new owner and ten days later took a £35,000 claiming race on grass at Belmont Park by fourteen lengths .
22 Following a full day of debate on the Loyal Address and two days on the Second Reading of the Bill , the country is none the wiser about what the Labour party proposes on local government finance , save in one crucial respect : we now know that it is committed to ending all control on local authority expenditure .
23 The first Vietnamese boat person to commit suicide in Hong Kong died in hospital on Feb. 18 , two days after hanging himself with his belt and four days after he had officially been refused refugee status .
24 Bobby Beasley says that there were two grey horses in the yard and two days before the race , they switched the horses and the other one was doped .
25 Over a thousand men stood in a formed square on a muddy field somewhere in France , wondering if twelve weeks of training and ten days of ‘ acclimatisation ’ could possibly have made them ready to face the might of the German forces .
26 We offer a good starting salary and a range of benefits , including subsidised staff restaurant and 25 days ' annual leave ( after qualifying period ) .
27 John spent two weeks in hospital and 10 days in the intensive care unit after receiving internal burns .
28 Alex Cockburn , later to work for Black Dwarf and 7 Days before decamping to the States and a 1970s career on Village Voice , provided a somewhat withdrawn interview with the New Statesman 's then right-wing socialist editor Paul Johnson .
29 Barycentric rotational frequencies were obtained by fitting to a set of corrected arrival times , typically over intervals of 6h close to the glitch and 50 days away from it .
30 On the 22nd Hatton had paid five hundred pounds into his bank and two days prior to that had either been in possession of a large sum of money or confident of acquiring it , for on the 21st , a Tuesday , he had ordered his new set of teeth .
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