Example sentences of "[noun sg] of increasing the " in BNC.

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1 As Chairman of the CNAA and strongly committed to its activities , Sir Michael Clapham was a consistent advocate of increasing the responsibilities of the institutions it validated .
2 In the field of tubular inspection , NDT Systems and NDT Eagle are both incurring development costs as a result of increasing the quality and scope of their services .
3 ( The population size should be increased to the point at which the marginal gains to residents are made equal to the marginal costs to club residents as a result of increasing the number in the locality ; i.e. the property rights are vested with existing club members . )
4 To submit to unemployment or slums or want , to let children go hungry or sick and old unattended , for fear of increasing the internal national debt , is to lose all sense of proportion . ’
5 The DUP was formed with the intention of increasing the non-evangelical element in the movement , but it had little initial success in broadening the recruiting base .
6 Activation of this third type of neurone has the effect of increasing the amount of neurotransmitter released at the synapse between sensory and motor neurones , for each nerve impulse travelling down the axon of the sensory cell .
7 It has the effect of increasing the surface area of a solution , thus increasing its speed of activity , and assisting in the total capability of a solution to suspend dirt much of it ending up trapped in the foam .
8 A newly-invented spring has been adopted , one peculiarity attached to it being the insertion of a thin hoop of steel within a leathern belt , which has the effect of increasing the power of tension in a very remarkable degree , and rendering the motion of the carriage perfectly easy .
9 They have the effect of increasing the territorial waters of Madeira ( Portugal ) .
10 Progesterone has the effect of increasing the body temperature by up to 0.5°C .
11 Environmental events which are pleasurable will , if they consistently occur immediately after a behavioural response , have the effect of increasing the strength of the response .
12 This results in a decrease in the rate of cation influx into the rod outer segment by two- to sixfold at low cGMP concentrations and has the effect of increasing the sensitivity of the channel to small changes in cGMP levels during phototransduction .
13 Thus , reversible binding of calmodulin to the channel complex in response to changes in the level of Ca 2+ has the effect of increasing the sensitivity of the channel to small changes in cGMP which may occur during the photoresponse .
14 Bismarck 's reform in that country had the effect of increasing the industrial output of Germany .
15 But the wavelength multiplied by the frequency is always equal to the velocity of light , so this decrease in wavelength has the result at the same time of increasing the frequency v. Inevitably we thereby increase the energy carried by a single photon and make its interaction with the electron correspondingly more rumbustious ( with the effect of increasing the degree of uncontrollable disturbance to its momentum ) .
16 Unfortunately however , such a policy would also have the effect of increasing the already excessive prison population by an enormous extent .
17 Indeed , some parts of pre-trial High Court procedure have the effect of increasing the possibilities for compromise at the same time as preparing the issue for hearing by a judge .
18 However the damper does have the effect of increasing the rise time of the response , because the available motor torque has to accelerate both the load and damper inertias towards the step position .
19 On the other hand , forcing such a language on men and women not born to it can have the perverse effect of increasing the number of languages .
20 This has the effect of increasing the relative weight given to nearer cash flows and hence of reducing duration .
21 On the other hand the short sales will have the effect of increasing the supply of the low return asset and , ceteris paribus , cutting the price and increasing the expected return .
22 Positive bias , so called because it has the effect of increasing the accessible success area of the catastrophe surface , results from a cultural environment orientated towards systems and standards , analysis and risk avoidance in R&D programmes .
23 Another use of the simulation model might be to assess the effect of increasing the urban area lying within a river basin .
24 This has had the effect of increasing the premiums paid by doctors for medical insurance .
25 The technology also has the effect of increasing the variety of production methods farmers can either er , rear livestock extensively , or intensively , where the technology for intensive production exists , and if you 're not familiar with the technology of intensive say , milk production erm , or , or it does n't exist , then clearly you wo n't be able to , to use those intensive tech techniques .
26 In 1986 there was a public-sector deficit ( PSBR ) , which therefore had the effect of increasing the money supply .
27 It plans to open a further nine in the current half year which will have the effect of increasing the supermarket sales area by 9.1pc .
28 Financing the bid by means of a rights issue or cash underwritten alternative has the advantage of increasing the equity base of the offeror and improving gearing .
29 With the chronic shortage , there has been a widening of selection criteria for the acceptance of donor organs and an extension of cardiac allograft ischaemic time in the hope of increasing the available pool of donor organs .
30 Hertfordshire in consequence of this feeling initiated an influential and controversial scheme , whereby as part of the work of increasing the research and learning competence of the student , as well as stimulating his general reading , courses and tutorial supervision were provided in the use of libraries and library materials .
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