Example sentences of "[noun sg] of christ [art] " in BNC.

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1 the other is Chiros Chronos is time , chronological time , so that when you say the the coming of Christ the time of Christ is near .
2 I hear from two of my friends that they were likewise inspired and helped by the Mass of Christ the King ’ .
3 The scripture readings and prayers used by the Church call us to make the presence of Christ a reality in our lives week by week .
4 ‘ It is the Eucharist above all that expresses the redemptive act of Christ the Bridegroom towards the Church the Bride ’ .
5 MESSAGE from the Young People of the Diocese read at all Masses on National Youth Sunday , Feast of Christ The King , 22nd November , 1992 .
6 Today , The Feast of Christ The King , is dedicated to the Catholic Young People of the Diocese .
7 THE young people of St Thomas More deanery are all out to celebrate their first ever youth day on Sunday , November 22 , The Feast of Christ the King and National Youth Sunday .
8 TYNE-Tees televised Sunday Mass from St Joseph 's Middlesbrough ( pictured ) on the Feast of Christ the King the following comments speak for themselves :
9 ‘ I together with countless others had the pleasure of ‘ attending ’ your Mass on the feast of Christ the King , televised and very much appreciated ’ .
10 ‘ I do so much want to congratulate you and your parish on the televised celebration of your Mass for the Feast of Christ the King yesterday .
11 ( The second part of this paper is based on an excellent article by Sara Butler , The Priest as Sacrament of Christ the Bridegroom in WORSHIP , November 1992 , p.498 ) .
12 Some , like St Paul 's Cathedral in London , and the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool , have handsome four-colour booklets devoted to them , and these publications are useful starting points for the serious student .
13 The first traces seem to have appeared in Peru at the beginning of the second millennium B.C. By the birth of Christ a relatively complex metallurgy , including rich goldsmithery , was being practised in Panama and Costa Rica .
14 These were probably one of the few things of mine not due to be on show at the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist later this morning .
15 In the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist you are Confirmed in Faith , which means you are officially a berk .
16 I thought of him now — he was called Mike Jarvis and he was a great skateboarder — as the congregation swept up the steps , past me and Mrs Danby , and Pike triumphantly pushed back the curtain to reveal the inner sanctum of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
17 He dictated to her many of the hymns that are still in use by the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist — many of whose tunes are exactly the same — bar one or two notes — as the ones the real John Wesley cobbled together in the eighteenth century .
18 People do laugh in meetings of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
19 Although what is and is not acceptable in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist changes from minute to minute .
20 This was the most exciting News the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist had heard in years .
21 Spoken , or rather screamed , by yours truly in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist , it was dynamite .
22 I had put Unidentified Flying Objects right back on the agenda where they belonged , and , from this day forth , the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist was never going to be the same again .
23 There had always been schisms in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
24 I may not be pure in heart , but , since Mike Jarvis the skateboarder went to live in Nottingham , I am about the only fourteen-year-old boy in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
25 What was really getting to him was the fact that alien-fever was proving hard to eradicate in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
26 I have to avoid the last period on the second Friday in October , which is when the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist celebrates ‘ the rich goodness of God 's vegetables ’ .
27 The First Church of Christ the Spiritualist was arranged in a huge circle around a large pile of groceries .
28 I was no longer part of the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist .
29 The First Church of Christ the Spiritualist was , as its leading members were fond of saying , on the move .
30 He had spent nearly all of his forty-eight years in the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist , and during that time he had witnessed literally thousands of encounters with people from the Other Side .
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