Example sentences of "[noun sg] of an individual " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , then , the loss of an individual 's concern for the welfare of his fellows is a matter of principle in these circumstances , not historical accident .
2 Thereafter Offa assumed direct rule of Hwiccian territory in the 780s , and by the 790s the province was under the command of an individual known simply as dux ( CS 272 , 273 : S 146 ) , but it is worth emphasizing how long this process took .
3 However , one major difference has been that the mind of an individual develops with time and becomes better at the tasks it undertakes , whereas computers , with certain limited exceptions , perform at the same level of ability until replaced by a better machine or a better program .
4 However , such concerns are beyond the scope of this article , and although we are not always able to separate out the different areas of linguistic interest in the characterisation of an individual in a dramatic text ( many individual character traits are receptive to a number of different linguistic approaches ) , the large number of insights into characterisation offered by discourse and pragmatic analysis indicates the large extent to which they may be used effectively by the student of dramatic texts .
5 It is never — or perhaps only on occasion — the fault of an individual who has not done his job conscientiously or with an adequate standard of service .
6 The first part of this chapter reflects the Roper , Logan and Tierney model — the nature of the AL of maintaining a safe environment ; the relationship of the lifespan to the AL ; the effect of an individual 's dependence/independence status ; and the influence of physical , psychological , sociocultural , environmental and politicoeconomic factors on the AL .
7 From a chance remark , an eccentric squint , a shifty gait and nothing more , Detective Sergeant Dexter Bazalgette liked to pronounce on the guilt or innocence of an individual .
8 Yet in Roman law discretion is regularly interpreted not on the subjective criterion of an individual 's own opinion but on the objective standard of what a good man would think in the circumstances .
9 There is a continual redefinition of an individual 's task , through interaction between the individual and others .
10 We can see easily enough that in a competitive world social selection for a selfish maximization of an individual 's capacity to reproduce will result in the predominance of certain traits in a population .
11 Emotional equilibration tends to reduce the possibility of social interactions of aggression or avoidance that would lower the maintenance of an individual 's potential inclusive fitness .
12 Most of the functioning of an individual is now considered by cognitive psychologists to be controlled by strategies of one sort or another .
13 Regular assessment of an individual 's progress and training requirements is important , and should be linked with job analysis and promotion prospects .
14 It is much more difficult to predict the performance of someone with mental disorder , and the process of assessment of an individual in a real situation requires time and skilled judgment .
15 Money is demanded both to finance day-to-day transactions and as an asset , perhaps being part of an individual 's or firm 's speculative activity .
16 Thus , the demand for money ( MD ) depends : ( a ) directly on national income ( as a rise in national income will reflect a rise in the total value of transactions and so will increase the demand for money to finance these transactions ) ; and ( b ) inversely on the rate of interest ( as a rise in the rate of interest will make it more attractive to hold financial assets , and less attractive to hold money , whether as part of an individual 's wealth holdings or as an outcome of a speculative activity ) .
17 Work will have usually occupied a considerable part of an individual 's life prior to retirement .
18 Gains are treated as a person 's ‘ top slice ’ of income and are accordingly taxed at : 20 per cent ( the new lower rate ) , 25 per cent ( basic rate ) , 40 per cent ( higher rate ) or a mixture of two rates , i.e. in instances where a gain , or gains , pushes part of an individual 's income into a higher rate bracket .
19 Their decision on the matter will be motivated in part by the relevant perceptual experiences , but no perceptual experience on the part of an individual will be sufficient to establish the validity of an observation statement .
20 But very often the major part of an individual 's activities stem from the duties and reciprocal obligations which fall to him by virtue of his roles as a social person .
21 It is a term used by doctors , psychologists and — increasingly — employers to describe the tension arising from the interaction of an individual with his or her environment .
22 The Court continued by asserting that the nature of the right to privacy must be such as to ensure the dignity and freedom of an individual in the type of society envisaged by the constitution , namely , ‘ a sovereign , independent and democratic society ’ .
23 In a strong judgment the Court also claimed that the ‘ dignity and freedom of an individual in a democratic society can not be ensured if his communications of a private nature , be they written or telephonic , are deliberately , consciously and unjustifiably intruded upon and interfered with ’ .
24 In that rule the freedom of an individual to instruct the solicitor of his choice and the responsibility of a solicitor once instructed to act in the best interests of his client is underlined .
25 The activity level of an individual can be an indicator of his state of health .
26 These feelings of community are better termed communion , since they represent a form of community at the level of an individual 's subjective experience or consciousness .
27 For this reason , when M. Oswald and J. Erwin removed the dominant male from a troop the amount of fighting among the remaining pigtails went up ( Figure 7.4 ) ; the effect is not simply due to the removal of an individual , because no consistent increase in aggression followed the removal of either a relatively dominant or a low-ranking female .
28 The Secretary of State was empowered by section 14(4) to dispense with the nationality requirement in the case of an individual on the ground of the length of time during which he had resided in the United Kingdom and had been involved in the fishing industry there .
29 Under section 14(4) , the Secretary of State for Transport might dispense with the nationality condition in the case of an individual in view of the length of time he had resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry of the United Kingdom .
30 Lastly , under section 14(4) , the Secretary of State for Transport could dispense with the nationality condition in the case of an individual in view of the length of time he had resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry of the United Kingdom .
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