Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] employment " in BNC.

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1 However , the geography of service employment growth is less uneven than that of manufacturing decline .
2 The national change has also been marked by a shift in the geography of manufacturing employment .
3 With the collapse of manufacturing employment in the UK and the elevation of services to the position of the major — and in many areas of the country the sole — source of employment , the term ‘ post-industrial ’ has gained a wider currency .
4 At the most general level , what Table 2.2 demonstrates is that the absolute loss of manufacturing employment has not just been ‘ reflected ’ in the different parts of the country .
5 Research during the 1970s showed that the concentration of service employment in southern Britain was related to the increasing dominance in the economy of large multi-site companies with their head office , administration and associated satellite suppliers near London .
6 The emergence of the enterprise union form of organisation after World War II , and the importance attaching to its role in the industrial relations system , has its economic basis in the practice of lifetime employment for key employees .
7 In other words , instead of preserving a level of insider employment L 1 at a lower real wage rate w 2 , the level of employment among insiders falls to L 2 owing to the inability of insiders directly to influence the real wage rate .
8 Once the level of insider employment has levelled out at L 2 there is no longer an incentive to moderate the pace of money wage demands which will continue at 5% .
9 In some of the most detailed work in this vein , Keeble ( 1976 , 1980 ) identified a number of factors as important causes of the relative decentralization of manufacturing employment .
10 However , there has been some decentralization of office employment since the mid-1960s , with a redistribution away from London to the outer-metropolitan areas .
11 For example , Fielding ( 1982 ) takes the best elements of the three main models : ( a ) the desire to live in a more rural setting ; ( b ) the availability of new jobs in the sunrise industries of the rural areas ; and ( c ) regional planning by governments to argue that the two main factors are first , the development of a post-industrial society where the mobile middle classes are relocating the new industries , and second , the rise of service employment , particularly in the more attractive rural areas of each country .
12 The town therefore contains a wide variety of household employment structures , ranging from those where both married partners are in full-time employment , through part-time employment , and unemployment , to non-employment ( this last including sick , retired , keeping house , caring for dependents , etc . ) .
13 May I place it on record that I know that my hon. Friend is doing his best to ensure that south Dorset continues to have a large amount of Ministry of Defence employment ?
14 The validity of such first destination statistics as a general measure of graduate employment will be discussed in Chapter 3 , and it is important to note that in this case they did not cover the colleges/institutes of higher education , which produce significant numbers of ‘ arts ’ graduates who have relatively high unemployment rates .
15 However , if we concentrate on broad comparative trends rather than statistical precision , Figure 2.1 highlights the middling position Japan occupies between the West and other Asian economies when we measure the proportion of manufacturing employment in firms with less than 100 workers .
16 Conference spokesperson Louise O'Meara said : ‘ We believe that the fundamental issue of democratic accountability of government employment and training agencies has begun to be addressed .
17 In the absence of a precise definition of services , the distinction enables us to disentangle the growth and contraction of service employment across a range of service industries from the separate but related growth of service employment in the economy as a whole .
18 For those in this upper-middle range of ability employment in the civil service may well offer better rewards .
19 Kinnock 's success in altering party policy was made easier , if less meaningful , by the end of the cold war , but a public onslaught on the Conservatives ' military record , including the maintainance of Trident , would have opened up debate within Labour ranks , as well as risking alienating voters on the question of defence employment .
20 Figure 5.2 The process of manufacturing employment change , Great Britain , 1973–88 .
21 In some ways it is surprising that smaller firms have survived at all , let alone increased their share of manufacturing employment .
22 White-collar workers increased their share of manufacturing employment from 27.6 to 31.7 per cent between the 1971 and 1981 Censuses ; that is to say that services provided in offices and laboratories within manufacturing concerns increased in relative importance and largely escaped the process of job reduction which took place on the shop floor .
23 In the second half of the 1980s , however , the North recovered a small part of the share of manufacturing employment which it had previously lost to the South .
24 Rising unemployment and the development of Government employment schemes have substantially altered the pattern of young people 's activities .
25 The higher rates given by Young must be considered unusual , for when he visited a silk mill in Sheffield , which like the more famous example at Derby offered a rare chance of factory employment , he judged the women 's earnings of 5 to 6s ( 25-30p ) a week to be " very good wages , much more than by spinning wool in any part of the kingdom " .
26 Therefore , the impact of manufacturing employment in rural areas will depend on the precise nature of the firms that have been established .
27 However , as Lim and Foo ( 1987 ) argue , it is difficult to generalize on the impact of TNC employment on different groups of women even within the same society .
28 The project will also consider the impact of student employment on the pattern of study and level of academic attainment .
29 What have been the effects of cutbacks to the Housing Executive budget ? loss of jobs poorer quality of repairs employment of lowest tender firms lack of adequate re-building programme increasing waiting list homelessness rundown of other services offered by the Housing Executive
30 I will argue later in Chapter 6 that powerless groups are not a small minority especially when we realize that the cherished pattern of lifetime employment applies to barely 30 per cent of labour , within which there are only a tiny percentage of women .
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