Example sentences of "[noun sg] tend to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Problems of this kind tend to be more pronounced if the left side of the visual field in each eye is affected .
2 The truth , I fancy — and the discovery that letters of this kind tend to be written in oddly similar terms ( the writer invariably shudders to think , the mixtures are always revolting or barbaric ) does something to bear out my theory is simply that reference to some particular ingredient has , subconsciously , touched off a painful nerve in the reader .
3 The markets in options that are deeply in or out of the money tend to be rather thin , and such options are not actively traded .
4 Majority tend to be budget models
5 These contested cases where there is considerable media coverage tend to be those where the defendant(s) can attempt a claim that the victim consented to intercourse .
6 The list of possible influences on supply is , is exhaustive , erm , and as a result any models of agricultural supply response tend to be very , very simple , and it 's very easy to get a complicated model simply by looking erm , at why , one of these factors , disregarding er , any other , any other of these complications .
7 And the most general principle is : nominals occurring before the main verb of a sentence tend to be definite while those occurring after the main verb can be either definite or indefinite .
8 The faeces in this instance tend to be relatively loose and pale in colour , while the dog remains hungry , simply because it can not actually digest its food .
9 Graduate recruitment in many businesses and industries now tends to be evenly split , and companies will not be able to afford to lose a large chunk of talent in which so much money has been invested , especially as women in any case tend to be less tempted by the ‘ grass is greener ’ syndrome .
10 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
11 Once in the cinema , openness of mind and concentration tend to be their trademarks .
12 In the words of a report of the ministry of economics and finance ( cited in El País , 6 July 1983 ) , ‘ the losses that occur in practice tend to be higher even than those originally forecast because , among other reasons , of the increase in financial charges implied by the need to finance the lags in financial flows caused by insufficient budgetary provision ’ .
13 It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that psychiatric diseases such as depression or manic-depression tend to be vastly over-diagnosed , particularly in sufferers from alcoholism ( in whom these features may be indications of their primary disease of alcoholism ) , some patients do have both addictive disease and psychiatric disease and need appropriate treatment for both .
14 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
15 Although studies have revealed that only a small subgroup of such diabetics have reduced plasma renin , in those with nephropathy both plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone tend to be decreased ( Christlieb , 1978 ) .
16 I do n't think it is possible to disagree about the high probability that a relationship exists , and that indeed children with higher levels of lead in the blood tend to be less intelligent ( and possibly more hyperactive ) than children with lower blood lead levels , although the differences are quite small , amounting to some 3 or 4 points of IQ .
17 Following his survey of relatively low-income home owners , he argues that the domestic division of labour within homes is indeed ‘ strongly patterned by gender , with child care ( where relevant ) , laundry and house cleaning being strongly associated with women while gardening and looking after the car tend to be predominantly male activities ’ .
18 With few notable exceptions , legal department tend to be small to medium in size and it is not uncommon to find that solicitors work along .
19 Because of the nature of the problems dealt with by departments of genito-urinary medicine , the questions asked by the doctor at the interview tend to be of an intimate nature .
20 The first type tend to be over more mundane matters , with the third being the more serious .
21 In contrast , ideologies not based on the nation-state tend to be more genuinely transnational in scope .
22 Yet , I will go on to argue that black kids seriously involved in sport tend to be rather better placed academically than others who may not be immersed in sport .
23 As I have already observed , issues surrounding the identification and causes of child abuse tend to be dominated by medicine and psychology , and the management of child abuse cases takes place within a legal framework .
24 The birds in the Dry Zone tend to be more specialized .
25 Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton .
26 Inequalities in material life-chances are fundamental ; status differences and differences in political influence tend to be dependent on material life chances .
27 As oedematous patients with bronchitis tend to be hypercapnic , we have studied the relation between alcohol consumption and peripheral oedema in patients with bronchitis .
28 The objects of their fantasy tend to be someone they are with at the time , often a work colleague .
29 Jobs outside the home tend to be more sedentary .
30 The few instances of " long distance transport tend to be early : at Fishbourne , or Angmering , where siltstone of Mediterranean origin was encountered .
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