Example sentences of "[noun sg] nobody would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was to travel the twenty miles by train , into the city , and they were to meet , in the restaurant of Marshall and Snelgrove , to have coffee and talk , to shop together for this and that , a new spring suit , some curtain material , a lampshade and the Ceylon tea nobody would stock in the village , and back for lunch , and then for tea , with aching feet and happy conversation , until their trains home .
2 And the car was such a mess nobody would have been looking for a sawn brake cable . ’
3 If there was a helluva crash along the road and 19 buses fell off the bridge into Queen Street Station nobody would notice . ’
4 Because at the end of the day nobody would take the job .
5 it was a hopeless job , go to the library nobody would know what happened to bicycles , and also , we always circulated a list of stolen property to all pawnbrokers , jewellers , garage owners , and cycle agents , about every week .
6 He was the sort of man nobody would look at twice .
7 That way nobody would raise too many objections about Emily going out to work .
8 I mean I I would say that was an abuse of the position of power , because if he was Joe Bloggs in the street nobody would listen to what he was saying about electoral reform !
9 But it 's all so ironic — if my little tinkering with her inhaler had n't led to her death nobody would have known that Doreen guessed — that I 'd been helping myself to the firm 's cash now and then — only piffling amounts over the years I 'd been with them , a few thousand here and there , just enough for some designer clothes and jewellery .
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