Example sentences of "[noun sg] included in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Spiral wand is just one attachment included in the Geometricks styling system , £24.99 , Philips
2 The Royal Corinthian Yacht Club , Burnham-on-Crouch , Essex ( 1931 ) , established his modernist reputation , being the only British building included in the exhibition ‘ The International Style ’ at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , in 1932 .
3 This is still some disadvantage for the acquirer because it is more difficult to gain agreement to a change made subsequently than to a provision included in the first draft .
4 A traditional critic may be a practising artist ; if so , there is an excellent chance that any technical assessment included in a piece of criticism will be thorough .
5 HLCAs are paid on woodland included in the farm hectarage and encourages its stocking .
6 However , a problem arises because the amount of the remuneration included in the management charge is unknown .
7 The terms Orange Pekoe and Broken Orange Pekoe refer to the size of the leaf and not to chopped orange peel included in the pack !
8 Make sure that there is adequate follow-up included in the deal so that you will know how and where the tape was used and can assess its value for future PR programmes .
9 The amount of surplus ACT included in the claim must be capable of being determined by reference to circumstances that existed at the time of the claim ( see Proctor & Gamble Ltd v Taylerson ( 1990 ) STC 624 ) .
10 If the IRB truly wanted to develop the game worldwide , it would consolidate FIRA under one international body , make all rugby-playing nations full members and it would apply to the International Olympic Committee to get rugby included in the Summer Olympics .
11 DEC did n't specify memory and disk included in the base prices and no European prices were available .
12 What is more , information on the product included in the packaging ‘ must be precise and comprehensible , ( and ) must be provided at least in the official language(s) of the Member States of destination . ’
13 He argued that the purpose of the age of consent included in the Wolfenden proposals was ‘ not only to deter the old from corrupting the young , but to deter the young from allowing themselves to be corrupted and , furthermore , from misbehaving with each other ’ .
14 The academic staffing establishment included in the budget for that year is then fixed by the Planning Committee and Academic Board .
15 Steel with tungsten included in the alloy to impart the ability to cut hard materials at high speed .
16 In the Diary included in The Woodland Life Edward notes under 7 January 1896 : ‘ Year opens mild , with the happy songs of blackbird and thrush thick in the woods ; green shoots rising everywhere ; all life is quick and glad ; the fallow deer idle in the tempered sun under the oaks at Richmond , or sip the water through budding buttercups and weeds .
17 A new attraction included in the latest edition is the Sealife Centre at Southend , featuring an underwater tunnel with dramatic views of sea creatures .
18 The % PV flow observed in the three patients with cavernous transformation included in the present study ranged from 11% up to 30% .
19 The soup tureen , cover and stand from the Orloff service included in the Ortiz-Patiño sale has an estimate of $1.5–2 million , with a set of eighteen silver-gilt dinner plates , also from the Orloff service , estimated at $300–500,000 .
20 The final sting in the tail , however , is that adding a decent keyboard to your Spectrum is , while adding to its usefulness , going to raise its price to a level where you 'd have got a decent keyboard included in the cost .
21 The Da Toto is best known locally for the local dishes served in its good restaurant and Citalia guests will dine on three or four courses each evening of rustic , Tuscan specialities , with the added attraction of unlimited wine and mineral water included in the price .
22 The fluorescent signal was measured in i using the LEN facility included in the SOM program provided with the confocal microscope .
23 The first comparisons presented concern the overall differences in the types of environment included in the study .
24 An Ornaments Rubric included in the 1559 Prayer Book ordered the use of vestments and the alb and cope during the communion service ; and the 1559 injunctions required the clergy to wear the surplice during services , as well as their distinctive outdoor dress which set them apart from the laity .
25 With a treble which had caused major problems in the first round included in the jump-off course , Raymakers could not afford to go at racing pace but it certainly looked hot enough to give his rival something to think about .
26 In the last issue of WWF News , we reported on the efforts of WWF and other environmental groups to get an energy efficiency clause included in the Bill to privatise the electricity industry .
27 There may be circumstances where an exclusion of liability clause included in the guarantee for the benefit of a retailer , may be incorporated outside a consumer sale context into the main contract of sale where it is read pre-contractually .
28 European language training is part of the course curriculum and there is an overseas study tour included in the programme .
29 A misspelled word included in the tree would have the index of its corresponding correct word .
30 Chief among these are Guardi 's , ‘ San Giorgio Maggiore and the tip of the Giudecca ’ ( est. $1–1.4 million ) which Ortiz-Patiño acquired from Agnew 's in 1983 , and ‘ View of the Grand Canal , with Palladio 's project for the Rialto Bridge ’ ( $600–800,000 ) only two of a total of eight works by the artist included in the sale .
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