Example sentences of "[noun sg] seem [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Both parts of that equation seem to be crazy .
2 Even the civilian academics at the college seem to be nullified by the overriding police desire for circumspection in the written account and the preference for academic silence .
3 Given the provisions of s 6 of the UCTA and the way in which SGSA , s 17 has dealt with the warranties of title and quiet possession to be implied into other contracts under which property in goods is transferred , there do not in practice seem to be left any other types of contract under which property in goods can be transferred .
4 Although you look like a child , you are not really a child at all because your mind and your powers of reasoning seem to be fully grown-up .
5 In the gastrointestinal tract , local eicosanoid synthesis and metabolism seem to be governed by intraluminal , neural , and hormonal factors .
6 The corresponding regions on the right hand side seem to be smaller , they control the rhythm , pitch and stress of pronunciation which impart the emotional flavour to all we say and hear .
7 ‘ The other side seem to be stirring .
8 The effects of carbachol and gastrin on acid secretion seem to be mediated via an increase in intracellular calcium , achieved partly , as in many cell types , by inducing inositol phosphate turnover .
9 Politics , sociology and biography seem to be constantly trivialised .
10 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , in contrast , the Government have been responsible and does he further agree that the policies of the Opposition seem to be
11 Again , the Opposition seem to be confused on the issue .
12 The Arabs ' apprehensions that President Clinton 's administration would be less ‘ even-handed ’ ( ie , more pro-Israeli ) than George Bush 's administration seem to be evaporating .
13 I think that 's , I mean I think that 's why the , the two interesting ends of the U K press are the tabloid end , because it looks , it looks as if it 's sort of forged in the heat of hot metal and steaminess and erm the top end and things like the Express and The Mail seem to be entirely flabby in the middle .
14 The Ecuadorian peasantry seem to be particularly productive .
15 Believing that old certainties are ill suited to new times , Culpitt appears , like a number of other influential commentators — Klein and O'Higgins ( 1985 ) ; Goodin ( 1985 ) — to favour the development of more reflexive , less ‘ ideological ’ approaches to social policy ( ‘ unprincipled' , pragmatic forms of welfare pluralism seem to be the favoured option in this regard ) .
16 Beat , their not-exactly-stunning dance division , for Norman Cook 's Beats International , although Paul Heaton 's Beautiful South seem to be making a more lasting contribution .
17 And recent research has dramatically shown that one way for them to make the break is through the activation of cellular oncogenes — genes that are more or less inactive in normal cells hut seem to be altered or activated in tumour cells ( New Scientist , vol 96 , p418 .
18 And in Britain the proportions of them who depend on social assistance seem to be higher than anywhere else .
19 The cells in the progress zone seem to be able to measure how long they remain in the progress zone and this enables them to , ‘ know ’ their position along the proximo-distal axis .
20 The third type seem to be solid , and are largely confined to the lower half of the main cloud .
21 The genes in question seem to be very similar in prokaryotes which in other respects are not very alike , and which are thought not to be closely related .
22 However , discussions on this issue seem to be dominated by an inherent unrealism .
23 Thus diversion of faecal stream by split ileostomy may induce remission of resistant Crohn 's colitis , and enteral or parenteral nutrition seem to be as effective as corticosteroids in inducing remission whereas both forms of treatment are singularly ineffective in the management of ulcerative colitis .
24 Clearly , explanations which locate this growth primarily in the notion of a conspiratorial and self-interested bureaucratic elite seem to be the least fruitful forms of analysis .
25 Methods of teaching as well as the content of the curriculum seem to be determined by the rigid requirements of examinations .
26 On the face of it , two lines of defence seem to be open to him .
27 The laws of physics seem to be the same for particles and antiparticles .
28 Number and diameter as indicators of the total stone mass seem to be important determinants with regard to complete stone disappearance .
29 " The time and space of ordinary experience seem to be continuous .
30 The main uses of functional assessment seem to be to select from available services to remedy any incapacities assessed , to help to prevent functional deterioration , and to highlight areas of functioning which merit fuller assessment than can be achieved by this approach .
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