Example sentences of "[noun sg] none [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To my mind none of the evidence , general or specific adds much to the inherent probability that men and women of a certain age will be inclined by nature to favour the status quo .
2 In the present study none of the patients had to withdraw from therapy because of side effects , irrespective of the length of treatment .
3 At laparotomy none of the patients had macroscopic evidence of small bowel or perianal disease , and the colectomy specimens all showed macroscopic features of continuous colitis .
4 Because the day unit concentrates on rehabilitation and has a fairly fast turnover none of the eight people who come to talk over tea or coffee has a relative attending the day hospital at the moment .
5 If I did n't wear a skirt none of the Thais I work with in the library would respect me .
6 In contrast none of the 27 homosexual men who seroconverted ( p=0.007 compared to drug users who seroconverted ) and only three of the 177 ( 2% ) of the drug users negative for HIV ( p=0.0002 compared to drug users who seroconverted ) reported pneumonia in the preceding period .
7 More freedom with the box , but of course none of the joy of transparency .
8 Mr Jones explained : ‘ Although we pay professional musicians , choreographers , and a musical director none of the cast take a salary . ’
9 Regarding the Bethlehem Hospital , in 1810 a competition was held for designs for a new hospital in St George 's Fields , Southwark ; but in the event none of the entries which gained the premiums was actually adopted , and instead Lewis was instructed to incorporate their best features in a new design of his own .
10 Last night none of the defendants were prepared to speak about the matter .
11 The wondrous feast that Constant Drachenfels placed before them contained paralysing poisons , and after the first mouthful none of the guests could move .
12 ‘ By a remarkable chance none of the great vessels was damaged but several minor ones were , of course .
13 For comparison none of the 27 homosexual men who seroconverted for HIV , three out of 177 ( 2% ) drug users negative for HIV , and 10 out of 112 ( 9% ) drug users positive for HIV reported bacterial pneumonia .
14 In an attempt to keep labour costs to a minimum none of the organizations wanted to employ any more labour than was absolutely necessary .
15 By some miracle all three aircraft landed safely and by an even greater miracle none of the three pilots were wounded .
16 If the latter 's optical axis is parallel to that of the first crystal than the beam is totally transmitted , if it is perpendicular to the first optical axis none of the beam gets through .
17 Even though a state of emergency was declared in Kenya that same month none of the family seemed particularly perturbed .
18 Conscious of their position as women artists operating within a patriarchal society none of the women I spoke to believed their concerns were limited to gender ; factors of race and class , in addition to those of gender , informed the work .
19 For ZETA none of the published experimental results was wrong , the limits of accuracy of the experiment were clearly spelled out and the main results were soon confirmed by other groups — Aldermaston in Britain and Los Alamos in the USA .
20 In one critical sense none of the new policy-making affected the CNAA : its purpose remained to validate degrees and other awards in institutions other than universities — whether or not they were designated as polytechnics .
21 There was a silence none of the three brothers seemed inclined to fill .
22 On the other hand none of the conditions which permit recovery was satisfied .
23 In that situation none of the rules in section 18 would apply since those rules are only relevant ‘ unless a different intention appears . ’
24 The point that is being made is that in this situation none of the profit figures are a guide to the future .
25 It sounds good but in reality none of the video centres is operating according to these regulations .
26 Harper , of whose status none of the Dutch was quite certain , shared the princely cold chicken , hard-boiled eggs and red wine .
27 The following year none of the men wearing a mask was killed by a tiger , but 30 without masks fell victim .
28 Microphones may be no real answer , but with the exception of Louis Hagen-William 's Porgy and Daniel Washington 's Crown none of the voices had adequate carrying power without them .
29 To date none of the various definitions of level have been widely accepted .
30 Despite the ministrations of the Mine Surgeon poor Sarah died on the 13 June , and after this date none of the Duke girls appear to have worked on the mine again .
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